world artist
Babele Magazine

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Kathleen Waterloo, Santa Sanchez, Angela Policastro



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Kathleen Waterloo, Santa Sanchez, Angela Policastro
vernissage:  11/05/2004
visitors: 69001

Babele Arte Gallery, 228 Rome Street, Piacenza, Italy, is proud to announce the Group Exhibition of Kathleen Waterloo, Santa Sanchez and Angela Policastro. (Opening: Saturday May 15th at 5.00 p.m.).

The second 2004 exhibition at the Babele Arte Gallery put on show three women with 30 artworks: paintings and sculputures.

KATHLEEN WATERLOO, a U.S. artist from Chicago, exhibits her most recent encaustic artworks. “My works are architectural fantasies which attempt to record the urban/urbane/mundane observances I see on a daily basis”.
Kathleen’s work was also exhibited in Pulcheria in 2001.

SANTA SANCHEZ, Mexico 1961, lives in Piacenza since 3 years. She was born in a country where art is everywhere and she start with sculputure when she was very young.
She take certificate at various academies, art schools and she worked for theatre field realizing masks and scenografie. In Piacenza she organize sculpture laboratories for children.

ANGELA POLICASTROItalian artist from Torino, take a degree to the academy of Fine Arts. The main element that traspare from her works is the use of the color; uniform drawings become fields move them, superficial that withhold in definitive shape and meaning the gestures and the signs that the artist deposits inside.
Angela Policastro take part to different exhibitions, with paintings and sculptures.

This show runs until May 29th, (Tuesday through Saturday from 4 pm to 7 pm).  

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