world artist
Babele Magazine

Group Exhibition
Paolo Avanzi, Claudio Semino



Group Exhibition
Paolo Avanzi, Claudio Semino
vernissage:  17/04/2004
visitors: 77263

Babele Arte Gallery, 228 Rome Street, Piacenza, is glad to introduce you to Paolo Avanzi and Claudio Semino exhibition. (opening: Saturday 17th April at 5.00 p.m.).

This exhibition open summer 2004 Babele Arte Gallery calendar exhibition.

Paolo Avanzi, born in Rosolina (Rovigo) on 1958. Actually he live in Bresso (MI).
Bachelor in Literature, Degree in Psychology (University of Padua), Master in Business Administration.
Paolo Avanzi is an Italian emerging artist. His artistic vein is younger than his age.
Eclectic personality, he arrived at the visual arts after various experiences in fields such as piano music, psychology, creative writing and business organisation.
His production, according to the art critics, belongs mainly to the abstract expressionism.
The eclecticism of the artist is reflected in the variety of forms, colours, media and inspiration as well as in the search of balancing a savage unknown instinct with an aspiration to a geometric world. The Avanzi's works are a sort of painted sculptures, something that emerges as an inusual feeling in the contemporary arena.
Among the several material used, the plastic is that one favourite. The quality of the plastic artworks is demonstrated by the presence in the Museum Sandretto of Plastic Art.

Claudio Semino, born in Genova in 1951.
Semino starts his artistic activity on '70: he took part to many show and he dedicated some years to the study and the tecnical and material experimentation that allowed it to express on new bases the own artistic sensibility.
"... In my work I try to instill a piece of my sensibility, with theirony that life reserve us with that metaphysical sense that accompan us, with the surrealistic hides and insinuates in many situations, with the love for Masters and those colors that are ignited in my mind like flash-back of memory and as such they fix on the technical support..."

Opening act: Saturday 17th April 2004 at 5.00pm  

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