world artist
Babele Magazine

Group Exhibition
Alessia Alberici, Elisa Agosti, Antonio Cotecchia and Anna Bocek



Group Exhibition
Alessia Alberici, Elisa Agosti, Antonio Cotecchia and Anna Bocek
vernissage:  20/12/2003
visitors: 83120

Babele Arte Gallery, 228 Rome Street, Piacenza, is glad to introduce you to Group Exhibition of Alessia Alberici, Elisa Agosti, Antonio Cotecchia and Anna Bocek. (opening: Saturday 20th December at 5.00 p.m.).
This is the fourth Babele Arte exhibition in 2003.
This group exhibition put on show three italian artists from Piacenza and an artist from Poland.


Alessia Alberici, young artist from Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza), put on show recent artworks. The continual artistic search express her deep love for color, and a particular interest for relation between Man and Woman or Woman and Woman.
Alessia is member of the G.A.P. (Giovani Artisti Piacentini, young Piacenza artists).

Elisa Agosti, young artist from Piacenza, take part to different courses of paint, sculpture, engraving and photography. All Elisa's artworks born trouth a deep work of photo.
Elisa is member of the G.A.P.

Antonio Cotecchia is a young artist from Salerno. He take a diploma in Paint at "Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera", Milan and actually he live and work in Piacenza, as Creative Director.
Antonio is member of the G.A.P.

Anna Bocek-Zachowicz is a young artist from Poland, where she live and work. Anna put on show three new artworks with woman subject. She say about her art: "Imagination is the mainspring of every artist's actions" (T. Kantor)
Undoubtedly, such mainspring of art for me is theatre - the most important source of inspiration and spiritual experiences both, as a viewer and an artist. Both aspects are equally important for me anyway."

The show is available for all visitors until 6 January 2004, from tuesday to saturday from 4 pm to 7 pm.  

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