world artist


Altre opere di Francis Bacon

Three studies for figures at the base of crucifixion
mixed media on board,   each panel 145x128 cm
Francis Bacon  - 1944
Tate Gallery, Londra

subject: people
descrizione: Figures based on the acient Greek legend of the Furies. They were goddesses who avenged violations of the natural order, avenged inhumanity. The most popular myths refer to patricide and oediphul encounters. They rose from the blood of the mutilated Uranus, when it hit the mother Earth (Gaea). They were called the Eumenides - "the kindly ones" - by the ancients, if they had refered to them as the Furies - Erinyes - "the angry ones" - insanity would have befallen. There were three Furies: Alecto The unresting Megaera The jealous Tisiphone The avenger They are often seen as being hideous old women with bloodshot eyes and snakes for hair. They punish people by arousing frenzies of remorse. The very sight of them dives a guilty man insane. They are driven by revenge. Francis Bacon Interviews with Francis Bacon; David Sylvester, 1993


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