world artist

World Artist

Altre opere di Eric Shenker

Night Bridge
etching on paper,   28X22
Eric Shenker  - 1977
price us$ $25,000./prints $125.signed & # 1/50 cm 50.8x60.9

subject: surrealist

A city bridge at night with just the hint of speckled light from cars and bridge lights, inspired me to create this hushed monolith of escape and strength, ‘Night Bridge.’ The critics call this piece… "Atmospheric and striking" Victoria Donohoe, The Philadelphia Inquirer. "Fantastic, Shenker’s work is terrific!" David Ross, The Whitney Museum of American Art. "An old Master?, Possibly! Judging how he has gained competence and subtlety the last few years, he could be ‘Leonardo da Vinci’s answer to scratchboard!", Nessa Forman, PBS.

Original Scratchboard drawing in color and black and white, 1977 on ‘Bienfang’ scratchboard. Perfect condition and signed by the artist, with a single Hunt knife stylus. 

Framed 22x28 in.

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