world artist


Altre opere di Paul  Signac

View Of The Port Of Marseilles
oil on canvas,   89x117
Paul  Signac  - 1905
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, gift of

subject: landscape
descrizione: Signac went even farther than Seurat in his methodical studies of the division of light into its components of pure color, and he arranged rectangular brushstrokes like tesserae in a mosaic. In 1901 Signac had painted a smaller and less vibrant version of this view of the Marseilles, crowned by the church of Notre Dame de la Garde. The luminosity and brilliant color of the present picture are dependent on his continued use of unmixed pigments, but also on his contact with the young Fauve painters Henri-Edmond Cross and Matisse and Saint-Tropez in summer 1904.


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