world artist
Renata Ratajczyk

Toronto (Canada)

tel. (416) 538-1087

photography on  paper,  various sizes available cm, 1998


Inter-Galactic Travels NR 1
digital art on  paper,  depends on size and printing media cm, 2002


Spring Welcome
digital art on  paper,  various sizes available cm, 2002


Tender Suffering
digital art on  paper,  depends on size and printing media cm, 1997




Renata Ratajczyk is an internationally acclaimed photographer and digital artist specializing in photo illustration, fashion, fine art portraiture and nude studies.

In her distinctive dream-like and visionary images she often merges reality with a fantasy world.

Originally from Warsaw, Poland, she lives and works in Toronto, Canada for several years.

Renata's work has been published in a variety of books, magazines (several covers), on CDs, in calendars, on posters, greeting cards, as well as it has been used in advertising.

To see some samples of her artwork please visit Renata's main website at:

Beside several portfolios, you will find there links to other websites presenting her work and interviews with the artist.

Renata is available to work on assignment. Her artwork could be purchased for a variety of uses (publications, advertising, web usage etc.) directly from the artists or via stock agencies, which represent part of Renata's work. Clients' list is available on request.

Renata's fine art limited editions prints can be purchased directly from the artist. Please visit Renata's main website at: for more info.

If you need more information or if you would like to contact the artist please send e-mail to:

Curriculum vitae:

Please concact the artist at:


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 29 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 60919

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