world artist
Vladimir Brunton

Kyjevská 12, Prague
Prague (Repubblica Ceca)

tel. 00420603502490

Cult of personality 1
photography on  canvas,  90x120 cm, 2006


Cult of personality 2
photography on  canvas,  90x120 cm, 2006


Cult of personality 3
photography on  canvas,  90x120 cm, 2006


Fragments of the body
photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006


Fragments of women 1
photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006


Fragments of women 2
photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006


Fragments of women 3
photography on  paper,  70x90 cm cm, 2006


Mysterious Abun
photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006


Old fashion 1
photography on  paper,  60x80 cm, 2006


photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006


The armchair
photography on  paper,  70x90  cm, 2006




V.Brunton uses the “old school” photography style with a large-format camera and a black and white board film of 8 x 10inches. He processes the photographed material manually and chemically.
Produced photographs gives an impression of a painted picture due to the author’s original technology. The masterpiece is created on a large-sized canvas, which is moist stretched on a painting frame. The composed technology grants perfect stability of the photograph on a painting frame for several generations and offers a result with perfect depiction of necessary details and required contrast.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 29 Gennaio 2007
Visitatori dal 24/1/2007 : 63591

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