world artist
Erato Tsouvala

28, Evriviadou str
Perama (Grecia)


acrilic on  canvas,  100X80cm cm, 2003


Earth Wind & Fire
acrilic on  canvas,  80X100cm cm, 2004


acrilic on  canvas,  150 X 100cm cm, 2003


In Love
acrilic on  canvas,  50 X 70cm cm, 2001


acrilic on  canvas,  100X80cm cm, 2001




Born in Piraeus, Greece.

Curriculum vitae:

Erato Tsouvala Studied painting, art history and modern art close to Greek Artist Antonis Politakis. Her studies cover a full range of materials and techniques. Apart from her own artistic style, she is skilled in Byzantine hagiography and encaustic. Erato never stops practicing and creating. Her work has been featured at numerous galleries and venues in Greece, and recently started promoting her artwork abroad.

Group exhibitions in Greece:

. Gallery “KLIMAKA”
. Gallery “Tassos”
. Hotel “Congo Palace”
. Youth club of Piraeus

International Exhibitions

. Art Festival Al Talaki “Art Unbound” – Alexandria January 2001

. “Worte und Bilder” – Landesbibliothek Linz/Austria May 3rd 2001

. Sweden – show at JOENKOEPING May 4th 2001

Generali Insurance Company
Linz / Austria June 2001

. HEART2ART – Steninge palace
Kultur center, Stockholm, SWEDEN
January 2002

. 20 July 2002- 4 August 2002
Grillparzerhof, Kirchberg o.d. Donau / Austria

. 19 July 2002-4 August 2002
Castle of Travo / Italy

. August 2002 ART BEYOND BORDERS Exhibition
Castle of Fontanellato - Italy

. 24 October 2002 - 16 November 2002
Galerie Kandinsky
Lerchenfelderstraße 13 /
zu Neustiftgasse 16
1070 Vienna / Austria

. 26 March 2003 - 30 April 2003
Etairia Makedonikon Spoudon - "Peristylio"
exhibition 2 X 2
Thessaloniki / Greece

Artistic Statement:

The innovative style of Erato’s paintings immediately captures the art-lovers.
Works of art deeply dedicated to the human being, strongly manifest the poetic existence of love and passion, scented with a unique manner.
Figures are coupled so tunefully but they also keep their individual essence.
One can see an ancient Greek breath with a Byzantine hagiography consistency but the real outcome generates a new touch that only Erato could introduce.
The forms join into flesh clusters, where from an incomparable eroticism emerges, that tends to spiritualize the image and to compose a hymn to love.
The bodies are twisted with elegance in excess, creating unprecedented twins that stimulate and turn out really sensational.
The more Erato’s works are observed, the merrier it is realized that a continuous effort of inner research is latent
Erato’s Greek parentage is clearly plotted in her works of art, where Mediterranean blue and soil brown colors, combined with the background white, guide the viewer to a soul exaltation, while the red strokes inspire the passion.
Erato’s paintings go beyond conventional forms and manieres, bringing new era to the modern artists’ community and sending her sunny poetic message.

by Jim Sofiou


The poetic quality of Erato's art often depends on the fact that forces and drives of which she is unaware motivate her. Erato's paintings are a vehicle of her feelings and an expression of her loving, suffering and desiring.
Manfred Peter Mueller

I was impressed, especially with the very loose acrylic pieces that
have a strong feeling of human form, and yet are so free and exuberant
that their energy goes way beyond the limitations of the human

Claude Smith


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 19 Agosto 2003
Visitatori dal 18/3/2001 : 61830

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