world artist
Debora Barnaba



photography on  digital,  2010




Artist and photographer, born in Milan in 1985.

In december 2011 I published a photographic book "Visioni del vuoto: Varese", with Arterigere Editions. Introduction by Riccardo Crespi, texts by Sandro Iovine and Riccardo Manzotti.

In march 31st 2011, during the conference about "Women and dignity" in Palazzo Marini (Rome) were projected some photos made by me about women without retouches.

In 2010 I took a lesson in Bologna University about my work, and the body language, and had the cover story of the review "Il Fotografo".

From june to july 2009 I was selected to make photos for the book "Santo Spirito" with Oliviero Toscani in Florence. From august to december i made a stage in Pisa, to "La Sterpaia" artistic laboratory of Oliviero Toscani, working to every artistic project like Razza Umana, and commercials with Manas, Terramoretti, Snai, Verapelle, Fiorentina FC, Tiscali.

Curriculum vitae:


"Premio Ghiggini Arte Giovani XI ed."
from may 26th to june 23rd 2012
collective of the finalists of Ghiggini prize
Ghiggini art gallery, Varese (VA)
with catalogue

may 12th 2012
residence by I Macelli
theatral project with Anita Brandolini
I Macelli theatre, Certaldo (FI)

"Premio Giovani Artisti Borgomanero"
from march 3rd to 10th 2012
collective of the finalists of the prize
villa Marazza

"Circuiti dinamici"
from september 27th to november 14th 2011
Circolo culturale Bertolt Brecht , Milano (MI)
with catalogue

"Premio Giovani Artisti Borgomanero 2011"
from 30th august to 3rd september 2011
final selection of prize
winner of a special mention by the jury
Galleries Eventinove and Borgoarte, Borgomanero (NO)
with catalogue

"Locus Animae"
from july 23rd to august 7th 2010
Palazzo del Turismo, Jesolo (VE)
with catalogue

from april 24th to june 6th 2010
Museum of modern and contemporary art
Castello di Masnago, Varese
with catalogue

"Premio Ghiggini Arte Giovani IX ed."
from march 26th to april 30th 2010
collective of the finalists of Ghiggini prize
Ghiggini art gallery, Varese (VA)
with catalogue

"Cristalli di Rocca"
from august 27th to september 7th 2008
Rocca Grimalda, Alessandria (AL)
with catalogue
curator Carolina Lio

"Mostra d'arte en plein air"
from june 2nd to 9th 2007
collective of the finalists of the prize
Chiostro di Voltorre, Gavirate (VA)
with catalogue

"Body-il corpo umano nell'arte contemporanea"
from april 21st to june 30th 2007
Spazio Expo Culturali GB Design, Figline Valdarno (FI)

"Il corpo nell'eros"
with Annalisa Scandroglio
from february 3rd to 18th 2007
centro artistico culturale milanese, Milano (MI)


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 28 Maggio 2012
Visitatori dal 21/1/2007 : 60045

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