world artist
Guo Xu

Bordeaux (Cina)

tel. +0033 629917097

Chunqiu series
watercolor on  paper,  2004


The ancient tree
ink on  paper, 


The landscape N-I
watercolor on  paper,  2004


The landscape N-II
ink on  paper,  2002


The rhythm of spring
watercolor on  paper,  1999


The sunshine after snow
watercolor on  paper,  1999


The view
watercolor on  paper, 


The winter
watercolor on  paper,  1997




Mr. Hanwen GUO (Xu GUO), born in 1974 at Tianmen in China, chinese contemporary visual artist, painter, doctor of Arts (Visual arts and numerical arts) at the UFR of Arts of the University of Bordeaux III, lectorate of the universities in China, member in the Association of Artists and the Association of Painters in watercolours of Zhejiang in China.

He learns painting with ink and penmanship with his father as from 5 years. In 1992, he enters to the faculty of the fine arts of the Normal University of the North-East (Changchun-China) to learn the artistic theories and to look further into the artistic practices. In 1996, he finishes his studies holder of a bachelor of Arts (Visual arts). Between 2001 and 2002, he follows Courses Master (Graphic art) to the National Academy of the Art schools of China (Hangzhou-China).

During 1996 and 2002, he is a teacher of the Art schools to faculty of architecture and design of the University of Zhejiang Wanli of Ningbo in Zhejiang and with the faculty of Arts of the University of Hainan of Haikou in Hainan in China.

He takes part in many exhibits in China, for example: ¡°The 9th National exhibit of arts in China 1999¡±, obtaining the certificate ¡°works selected¡±; ¡°Exhibit of Arts and Penmanships of Hainan for the national festival of the 50¨¨me birthday¡±; ¡°The 1st exhibit to the invitation of the Association of the Painters in watercolours of Hainan¡±; ¡°Exhibit of Watercolours of Zhejiang 2000¡±, with the ¡°bronze Price¡±; ¡°Exhibit of Watercolours in New Century 2001¡±, with the ¡°bronze Price¡± etc.

In September 2002, he leaves China for France. In June 2005, he succeeds with its defence of the report of the DEA of Arts (Visual arts) at the University of Bordeaux III. Now he makes his thesis in same faculty.

In November 2004, his first personal exhibit of paintings ¡°Discover the oneiric world¡± takes place with the central hall of the University of Bordeaux III (Organizations and co-financing: Cultural service of the University of Bordeaux III, CROUS of Bordeaux). In April 2006, he takes part in the ¡°16th international Living room of the watercolour¡± in Uckange in France.

Curriculum vitae:

2006 His works Watercolours ¡°the REFLECTION¡±, ¡°the SNOWED VILLAGE¡± were selected with the 16th international salon of the watercolour in Uckange (France). Organizations: Committee of Animation of Uckange, Town hall of Uckange.

2004 His works Watercolours were selected with the ¡°16th international Living room of the watercolour¡± in Uckange in France

2001. His work Aquarelle ¡°MELODY OF SPRING¡± was
selected ¡°Watercolours Arts exhibit in New Century¡±, obtained the certificate ¡°bronze Price¡±. Organizations: association Artist, Association Watercolour Painting province of Zhejiang.

2000. His work Watercolour ¡°TO REPAIR URGENT¡± was selected¡± Watercolours Arts exhibit in province of Zhejiang 2000 ", obtained the certificate ¡°Price of bronze¡±. Organizations: association Artist, Association Watercolour Painting province of Zhejiang.

2000. His works Watercolours ¡°STILL LIFE¡±, ¡°MELODY OF SPRING¡± were selected ¡°1st exhibit to invitation of Association Watercolour Painting province of Hainan¡±, obtained the certificate ¡°works S¨¦lectionn¨¦e¡±. Organizations: association Artist province of Hainan, Association Watercolour Painting province of Hainan.

1999. His work Aquarelle ¡°MELODY OF SPRING¡± was selected ¡°the 9th National Arts Exhibit in China 1999¡±, obtained the certificate ¡°works s¨¦l¨¦ctionn¨¦e¡±. Organizations: Ministry for cultural, R.P. of China, Association Artist of China.

1999. His works Watercolours ¡°the DAY OF the BRIGHT RAYS OF the SUN¡±, ¡°the ROOM AND the GOAT¡± were selected¡± Exhibit of Arts and of Penmanship of Provence of Hainan for the national festival of the 50¨¨me birthday & to greet governmental for the resumption of sovereignty of Macao ", obtained the certificate ¡°works selected¡±. Organizations: Federation of the writers and Artists province of Hainan, Association Artist province of Hainan, Association writer province of Hainan.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 9 Gennaio 2007
Visitatori dal 8/1/2007 : 62691

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