world artist
Henk Van de Kaa

De Kweek 3
Renswoude (Olanda)

tel. 0318-573750

photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


Past and Present
photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


Silent Rage
photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


Cristal Mask
photography on  digital,  12 x 15 inch cm, 2006


Cold Titanic
photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


Hand for an Eye
photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


Frozen Boy
photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006


Frozen Carnival
photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006


Frozen but Conscious
photography on  digital,  12 x 16 inch cm, 2006


King Arthur
photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006


photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006


Facing Me
photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006


photography on  digital,  16 x 12 inch cm, 2006




Henk van de Kaa (1958). After my study at the art-academy in Utrecht I kind of fell in love with photography. Photography for me is discovering the outer world. Painting is more of a challenge to discover my inner world. Painting is hard labour, sometimes I even feel like I am in labour. After all my pictures are my children. I am not trying to be a contemperary artist. I am just looking for my (higher) Self in the landscape of myself. A universe within that is trying to connect to the world outside. Also to you, the person that is kind enough to read my message.

Thank you so much for visiting this site!

Curriculum vitae:

Geboortedatum: 25 augustus 1958
Opleiding: Nimeto (MTS.) 1979
Meesterschilder 1979
Van As - prijs 1979
Nieuwe Academie Utrecht
Hogeschool voor de
Kunsten, Utrecht
afgestudeerd in 1990.


Galerie Nieuwe Academie, Utrecht
Centraal Beheer, Apeldoorn 1990
Stichting Averechts, Utrecht 1991
Theater de Lampegiet, Veenendaal 1993
Henriette Roland Holst Huis, Amsterdam
PTT-museum, Den Haag 1994
Galerie Projekt, Maarsbergen 1995
Galerie Peradres, Amsterdam 1995
Galerie Ooster-Laren 1995
Galerie Mollie o'Toole 1995
Stopera. Amsterdam 1997
Galerie Vebotex, Veenendaa1 1999
Galerie Art Juvente,2000 Renswoude
Bibliotheek Renswoude 2001
De Muzen, Veenendaal 2002
Galerie Ceasar, Oulomouc 2002
Galerie G, Oulomouc Tsjechië 2002
Stopera, Amsterdam 2003
De Kunstplaats, Veenendaal 2003
KCS Gallery , Scherpenzeel 2004
Gemeentehuis Veenendaal2004
Bibliotheek Amerongen 2005
Bibliotheek Rhenen 2005
Gemeentehuis Veenendaal 2006
KCS Gallery, Scherpenzeel 2006
Bibliotheek Driebergen 2006


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 13 Gennaio 2007
Visitatori dal 8/1/2007 : 65179

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