world artist
Ferenc Pataki

Zrenjanin - Serbia (Yugoslavia)


Bird of Paradise
oil on  canvas,  24 x 18  cm, 2013


Dreaming fisher
oil on  canvas,  30x20 cm, 2004


oil on  canvas,  20 x 35 cm, 2007


oil on  canvas,  27x35 cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  27x35 cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  35x27 cm, 2006


My Homeland
oil on  canvas,  24x18 cm, 2008


Poppy Field
oil on  linen,  20 x 35 cm. cm, 2012


oil on  linen,  20 x 35 cm. cm, 2015.


oil on  canvas,  27 x 22 cm cm, 2012


Thanksgiving bouquet
oil on  canvas,  15 x 20 cm cm, 2012


Wheat Harvest
oil on  canvas,  40 x 30 cm. cm, 2011




I was born January 31, 1944 in Nagybecskerek (now Zrenjanin/Serbia) I am a self taught artist and by 1982 I have developed Naive Style. In my paintings I try to portray my own soul and temperament. More than anything else I love peace and solitude.

Curriculum vitae:

It can be said of Ferenc Pataki that his motifs, his particular stamp on his paintings, his composition, his use of color and his particular sensibility are recognizable, crystal clear in their simplicity. You can always pick a Pataki. If it doesn’t include his trademark motifs of three little clouds and three swallows (because life is so beautiful) and one dead tree ( because the world is not yet perfect), then you know he didn’t paint it.

Over the years Ferenc has received many awards and honors for his work and has been featured in many print and online publications.

Ferenc Pataki has had eight solo exhibition and has participated in more than two hundred group exhibitions worldwide.


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 20 Settembre 2008
Visitatori dal 30/12/2006 : 64618

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