world artist
Carmen D'Alessio

Via G.B. Vico, 2
20010 Cornaredo (MI) (Italia)

tel. +39 3358047933

oil on  canvas,  50X60 cm, 2003


oil on  canvas,  70X100 cm, 1997


oil on  linen,  70X100 cm, 1999


oil on  canvas,  70X100 cm, 1996


Mbeugule Village
oil on  linen,  70x100 cm, 1995


On the way to the Witchdoctor
oil on  linen,  70x100 cm, 1998


The Farm
oil on  canvas,  50x100 cm, 1994


The Farm
oil on  canvas, 


The Turtle
oil on  linen,  70x100 cm, 1996


oil on  canvas,  70x100 cm, 1996




Brought up in the UK but, contrary to my sister, I was born in Italy and was taken to the UK when I was just over 4 years old. After taking my "A" levels I was employed in Llyods Bank for one year before returning to Italy. From banking I went to Sales & Marketing for a multinational company which allowed me to travel around the world, from New Orleans to Japan through all European capitals. This experience greatly influenced my artwork.

Curriculum vitae:

Studied Art at Beach Hill Girls school as one of my GCE "A" level subjects. Have always enjoyed painting and clay work and lately have been attracted by the colours of India and particularly Africa where I am carrying out a humanitarian project since 12 years. Have participated to a few Exhibitions in the UK organised by the School and in Italy mainly in local faires. As Reiki Master I am now working on a New Age series of painting regarding my esperience in this field.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 3 Gennaio 2007
Visitatori dal 28/12/2006 : 63299

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