world artist

ISTANBUL (Turchia)

tel. 00442075823263
web: none

without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  150x100x15cm(with additions 200x125x20cm). cm, 2005


without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  100x70x15cm, 80x30x24cm cm, 2003


without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  150x200cm,150x200cm cm, 1996


without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  100x70cm cm, 1999


without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  50x60cm,50x60cm cm, 1993


without name abstract composition
oil on  canvas,  50x35cm,50x35cm cm, 2004





1964 Born in Ýstanbul, in Turkey.

1972-79 Studied balet and decor-costum in Madame Olga Private School.

1981-85 Graduated from Painting Department, Marmara Universty of Fine Arts with honors,

1986-88 Did her Degree in Painting Department in Fine arts Faculty of Mimar Sinan Universty.

1996-97 Took courses in Fashion and Textile History in the Textile Department of the same universty.

Since her first exhibition in Stockholm in 1988, had 18 one-man exhibitions. Ýn 1985 participated in more than 60 group exhibþitions including her exhibitions as a international group member in France(Nancy, Lille, Lion), Spain(Valancia), Belgium(Brüxell), Lüxemburg, Germany.

1980 won prize in 23th DYO Painting Contest in Turkey. 1992-200, gave lectures with slide shows and held presentations on “Abstract Painting and Her Works” in Universty of Ýstanbul. 1999-2000, performed stand installations for textille companies in international textile fairs in Ýstanbul. Her paintings and sculptures are in private and corporote collections in Turkey and abroad.


Her paintings on synthesis of Geometrical and Expressive Abstraction. By the time she developed new chains of synthesis with contrasts. She uses illusion and real dimension together. Concave-Convex forms in her paintings come into life as three dimensional objects with her oil on canvas(three dimensional)sculptures. She makes up functional and unfunctional object as part of her chain of synthesis with contrasts. Her functional artworks includes costumes, table, chair, accessories like earings, buttons, glassware, etc. She draws, moulds, sews, and paints her costumes and adds a forth dimension to her concave-convex forms by walking with her costumes as a moving art object. As a being a kinetic sculptre by herself, she gains freedom to enter into daily life somethimes in markets, busses, taxies, etc. and creates a surreal performance.

Curriculum vitae:


1964 Born in Ýstanbul, in Turkey.

1972-79 Studied balet and decor-costum in Madame Olga Private School.

1981-85 Graduated from Painting Department, Marmara Universty of Fine Arts with honors,

1986-88 Did her Degree in Painting Department in Fine arts Faculty of Mimar Sinan Universty.

1996-97 Took courses in Fashion and Textile History in the Textile Department of the same universty.

Since her first exhibition in Stockholm in 1988, had 18 one-man exhibitions. Ýn 1985 participated in more than 60 group exhibþitions including her exhibitions as a international group member in France(Nancy, Lille, Lion), Spain(Valancia), Belgium(Brüxell), Lüxemburg, Germany.

1980 won prize in 23th DYO Painting Contest in Turkey. 1992-200, gave lectures with slide shows and held presentations on “Abstract Painting and Her Works” in Universty of Ýstanbul. 1999-2000, performed stand installations for textille companies in international textile fairs in Ýstanbul. Her paintings and sculptures are in private and corporote collections in Turkey and abroad.


Her paintings on synthesis of Geometrical and Expressive Abstraction. By the time she developed new chains of synthesis with contrasts. She uses illusion and real dimension together. Concave-Convex forms in her paintings come into life as three dimensional objects with her oil on canvas(three dimensional)sculptures. She makes up functional and unfunctional object as part of her chain of synthesis with contrasts. Her functional artworks includes costumes, table, chair, accessories like earings, buttons, glassware, etc. She draws, moulds, sews, and paints her costumes and adds a forth dimension to her concave-convex forms by walking with her costumes as a moving art object. As a being a kinetic sculptre by herself, she gains freedom to enter into daily life somethimes in markets, busses, taxies, etc. and creates a surreal performance.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 3 Gennaio 2007
Visitatori dal 28/12/2006 : 61793

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