world artist
Frédéric Clerc-Renaud Le Granfred

Chindrieux (Francia)


sculpture on  bronze,  55 cm cm, 2002


sculpture on  bronze,  45 cm cm, 2005


sculpture on  bronze,  45 cm cm, 2004


sculpture on  bronze,  100 cm cm, 2006




Born 1961, Frédéric is a self-taught sculptor. As far as he is looking backwards, Art has always been there to the point of saying that for him it is an art of living. Yet, it is only a few years he has been a sculptor trying creating flawless brass beauties. As a teenager he considered entering Fine-Arts. Eventually it was law studies. However, one day, round an alley in Annecy, bronze sculptures exhibited in a gallery sing another tune. Bolt from the blue, he decided to devote himself to this wonderful artcraft. It was in year 2000. Irony of destiny which made him prefer the soft curves of women's shapes to the right track of law.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 18 Dicembre 2008
Visitatori dal 22/12/2006 : 60781

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