world artist
Le Doan Chanh Mang

Paris (Francia)

tel. 00 33 1 43 55 74 98

oil on  canvas,  54x65 cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  54x65 cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  40x40 cm, 2006


moon godness
acrilic on  canvas,  95x70 cm, 2005


smoking room
oil on  canvas,  40x30 cm, 2006


the writting
acrilic on  canvas,  95x70 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  95x70 cm, 2005




I was born in a shelter of the French hospital in Nha Trang, a small peaceful city with turquoise water, in edge of the Pacific Ocean.

In February 1948, Vietnam was still under the flames of war.
My nickname Mang, given by my godmother, a friend of my mother, will remain my signature.

Boat people, refugee of a fatal war , I arrived to Paris at the beginning of the seventies, without papers, nor precise goals.

Contrasts then the culture, philosophy, the art of life... the occident me fascine... I am drunk of these discoveries.

I never learned pictorial art, painting came to me naturally. It enables me to represent my visual thoughts, my deep desire to show on scene the symbols of the ingeniousness and the nobleness of our world.

My first drawings on paper were born in my penhouse at Latin quarter.

The old lanes of Paris, I sold them on paper the evening even in the restaurants of Montparnasse.

The pavements of Port-Royal Boulevard were the witnesses of my first artistic steps

These marvellous moments will last only little of time. The lifesepared me and painting during long years.

Until at the beginning of 2003, painting again invites me to take one more time the brushes.

I start again to travel, through my works, borrowed from the reliefs of the life... the true one.

Curriculum vitae:

Live and paint at Paris
founder of Diversarts, a forum of diversity of culture


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 18 Dicembre 2006
Visitatori dal 18/12/2006 : 62258

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