world artist
Jose Maria Casas

Gascon 3043, MDQ (7600), AR
Mar del Plata (Argentina)


Coloris Radius
acrilic on  canvas,  90x100cm cm, 2006


Geopolitical Dripping
acrilic on  canvas,  100x50 cm, 2006


La Passion
acrilic on  canvas,  70x70cm cm, 2006


acrilic on  canvas,  50x70cm cm, 2005


Volumen 3
acrilic on  canvas,  100x70 cm, 2006




Jose Maria Casas a.k.a. "two-" is a young artist from Mar del Plata, Argentina. Born in 1981 he had showed his works in his country and in the world. He had walked his own path trough the world of the abstractions. Trying to avoid common places, Jose Maria has developed a very strong personal stile which distinguishes by its stunning but clear colour use, the balance and equilibrium of his compositions that create that "everything in it`s right place sensation", and the greater expressionism of his works. His tools of the trade are mainly acrylics, oils, and watercolours, and his creations `re strongly influenced by music. He will be soon showing on: Turkey, Puerto Rico, and Denmark. And had already showed in: Italy, Spain, USA, Canada, Honduras, Uruguay, and off course in Argentina.

Personal Info:
- Name: Jose Maria Casas.
- Alias: two-.
- Born on: Jan 7, 1981 at Mar del Plata, AR.
- Recidence: Mar del Plata, AR.

Artistic Studies:
-..87 -..89 - Ceramic Workshop, Prof. Marcela Angera, MDQ, AR.
-..89 -..93 - Drawing Workshop, Prof. Marcela Angera, MDQ, AR.
-..93 -..97 - Painting Workshop, Prof. Marcela Angera, MDQ, AR.
-..00 -..06 - Self-learning and Self-experimenting study of painting.
-..05 -..06 - Art Clinic with the Master Hencer Molina, BA, AR.
- 2006 - Art Clinic with the Masters : Ary Brizzi, Lydia Tarica, Juan C. Lasser, Susana Fedrano, Salvador Costanzo, Hencer Molina, Daniel Perez, and Eduardo Mac Entyre, BA, AR.
- 2006 - Seminary of Printing over Textile medium, Prof. Julia Rossi, Inst. Cromos, BA, AR.
- 2006 - Seminary "Artes Contemporaneas: Sensibilidad y Percepciones" with Alicia Romero and Marcelo Gimenez, Inst. Cromos, BA, AR.

Curriculum vitae:

Selection of Solo Exhibitions:
- Nov. 2002 - Colegio de Abogados de Mar del Plata, AR.
- Mar. 2004 - Cabrales Alberti, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Oct. 2004 - Casino Central, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Ene. 2005 - Biblioteca Popular de Monte Hermozo, AR.
- Abr. 2005 - Espacio de Arte 1029, Buenos Aires, AR.
- Jun. 2005 - Museo Jose Mulazzi, Tres Arroyos, AR.
- Jun. 2005 - Espacio de Arte Clarin, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Oct. 2005 - Libreria "El Atril", Mar del Plata, AR.
- Ene. 2006 - Biblioteca Popular de Monte Hermozo, AR.
- Feb. 2006 - Colegio de Abogados de Mar del Plata, AR.
- May. 2006 - Espacio de Arte 1029, Buenos Aires, AR.
- Jul. 2006 - Los Cuencos, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Mar. 2007 - Galeria Forma, Buenos Aires, AR.
- Jun. 2007 - Los Cuencos, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Jul. 2007 - H.C. de Diputados, La Plata, AR.

Selection of Collective Exhibitions:
- Jun. 2004 - ACEA..s, Barcelona, ES.
- Ago. 2004 - Galeria Forma, Buenos Aires, AR.
- Ene. 2005 - Museo de Arte Americano de Maldonado, UR.
- Oct. 2005 - Galeria Nucleo de Arte, Buenos Aires, AR.
- May. 2006 - Colectiva Atlantico Sur, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Jun. 2006 - Galeria Forma, Buenos Aires, AR.
- Oct. 2006 - Agora Gallery, New York, USA.
- Nov. 2006 - Castelo Estense, Ferrara, Italia.
- Nov. 2006 - Museo de Zamorano, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
- Ene. 2007 - Fundacion Aires de Cordoba, Cordoba, España.
- Ene. 2007 - MODERNA 07, Mar del Plata, AR.
- May. 2007 - Castelo Svavo, Trani, Italia.
- Jun. 2007 - Villa Victoria, Mar del Plata, AR.
- Jun. 2007 - Castelo Barletta, Barletta, Italia.
- Aug. 2007 - Expoart Montreal 07, Canada.

Earned Prizes:
- Mention of Honor at the XIV International Salon ACEAS, Barcelona, ES - Jun 2004.
- 3rd Prize at the Forma Winter Salon, BA, AR - Jul 2004.
- Selected on the 4th National Bienale of Young Art of Mar del Plata - Apr 2006.

Participation on Books and CDs:
- 2005 Anuary of Contemporany Arts, Cordoba, Spain.
- Creadores II, Cordoba, Spain, 2006.
- The Americas Art Directory, by Arte al Dia Internacional, 2006.
- International Dictionary of Contemporany Art and Literature, Cordoba, Spain, 2006.
- CD "Pazamorarte Colectivo Tres, by Veneno Recors, BA, AR, 2006.
- CD "Al Flaco Dale Gracias", by D-Rock Records, MDQ, AR, 2006.
- Creadores III, Cordoba, Spain, 2007.
- The Americas Art Directory, by Arte al Dia Internacional, 2007.
- International Dictionary of Contemporany Art and Literature, Cordoba, Spain, 2007.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 11 Settembre 2007
Visitatori dal 11/12/2006 : 61593

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