world artist
Drale Savic

dalmatinska 41
Pancevo (Yugoslavia)

tel. +381641231660

at the concert
photography on  paper,  40 x 60 cm, 2007


photography on  board,  40x40 cm, 2008


digital art on  paper,  50x40 cm, 2007


born to fight
photography on  paper,  60x40 cm, 2007


dreams deep
digital art on  paper,  50x40 cm, 2007


flying over
digital art on  paper,  60x50 cm, 2007


girl with red hair
digital art on  paper,  60x60 cm, 2004


little customer
photography on  cardboard,  60x40 cm, 2007


origin of life
digital art on  digital,  50x50 cm, 2007


precize and sharp work
photography on  paper,  60x40 cm, 2008


steps in the red snow
digital art on  paper,  40x80 cm, 2007


three light pieces
photography on  paper,  40x40 cm, 2008


water joy
photography on  paper,  30 x 50 cm, 2001


white boats blue skies
mixed media on  paper,  60x40 cm, 2007


installation on  digital,  40 X 30 cm, 2007




Born in Belgrade,one november day in 1946.
School of Medicine at Belgrade University finished in 1971.

He was involved in work mostly graphical and web design orientation and educational.

After some time he started working for one Canadian company in Advertising business.

Design for web sites, and conceptual design is his speciality.

Innovative and excellence striving profile of his personality is the most prominent character traits of his individuality.

He Lives and makes his artworks in Serbia,
the most beatiful country on the Planet.

Do not hesitate to express yourself inspite of other people opinion.

Wish to send Best Wishes to All People of Good Will


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 1 Febbraio 2008
Visitatori dal 3/12/2006 : 65277

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