world artist
Monica Hesseldahl

Cuernavaca (Messico)


mixed media on  board,  40X50 cms cm, 2001


turtle in my yard
acquatinta on  ecopaper, 




Borns in Mexico City in 1963.

Curriculum vitae:

Its a basic need for me like breathing to express the beauty, the happiness, and the pain of the our culture as Latinos.

Prehispanic cultures were rich in signs and mysticism, and when Spanish people came they have erased the growth of an amazing civilization, but yet they have enriched and integrated the culture of theire own , creating a incredibly rich mixture of costumbres we as Mexicans are living day by day.

My statement is that I feel the beauty of the roots we have as Native Mexican, that keeps in the dark and mystery so many intriguing ways of still being an Mexican Indigenous ...its still in our genes and in our costumbres.

To look deep inside in my genes where there is the need of really fullfillment of the soul by the search and recreation of some of the prehispanic aesthetics, and a deep contact with the natural mystic world yet to discover.

To look into deep rich nowadays mexican cultural expressions...the sayings at the market, the colours , the flavors...The deep catholisism that now is part of the heart of our culture, but still it has this Indian pride that makes it more interesting.

I also have the need to create forms and aesthetics right from the prehispanic ones cause it was forbiden for woman to do so, when Aztec people used to live. Art was exclusive for the males, crafts can be done by women , but the arts were forbiden for women, also I find intriguing the way they saw the underworld the creation of men as a creature and I wonder what kind of people it would be right now if the Gods would not make the man as we know.

My work is much based on the Aztec Mythology, the clooser aproches to flavors and daily life of the modern mexicans but with a poeticall way, aproaching from the exvotos and other inspirational sources.

But mainly the base of my work is the feeling, flavors and sayings of my beloved México.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 29 Novembre 2006
Visitatori dal 26/11/2006 : 60688

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