world artist
Arzu Karaduman

Çanakkale (Turchia)

tel. 05422419865

mixed media on  paper, 


oil on  canvas, 


oil on  canvas, 


mixed media on  paper, 


oil on  canvas, 


oil on  canvas, 





2000- Graduated from Art Dapertment of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University


2006 “A paper issued on being a Mevlevi from point of view painters”,
International Symposýum on Mavlana Jalaladdin Rumi in Thought and Art Papers,
2006 “A presentation on Magic and Art”, Terzioglu Campus, Çanakkale, Turkey

-2006 “A presentation on the blue period of Picasso, Terzioglu Campus, Çanakkale, Turkey


-2007 National Academy of Art/Mixed Art Exhibition Sofia-Bulgaria
-2007 "Otoportredeki Hayalet2"Mixed Art Exhibition ÇekirdeksanatBeyoðlu/Ýstanbul-Turkey
-2007 "86 kadýn 86 yapýt" 8 March women days, Mixed Art Exhibition ,ÇekirdeksanatBeyoðlu/Ýstanbul-Turkey
-2007 "Van Gogh yorumlamalarý"Mixed Art Exhibition ,ÇekirdeksanatBeyoðlu/Ýstanbul-Turkey
-2006 "Elektronik Ýmza" , Personal Art Exhibition, Sheraton Otel, Ankara-Turkey
-2006 16. Artist Ýstanbul Art Fuar Mixed Art Exhibition, Tüyap, Ýstanbul-Turkey
-2006 "Lets Talk Ýmmigration" Ýnternational Exhibition, Greece
-2006 “ Peace Exhibition-3”, Kadiköy, Ýstanbul, Turkey

-2006 An Art Exhibition held at Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey by the Academic Staff
from the Art Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, ÇOMU, Turkey

-2005 The 11. International Dedekorkut Culture & Art Festivity, The Individual Art Exhibition,
Bayburt, Turkey

-2005 Güzelyalý Environmental Culture & Art Festivity,
The Ýndividual Art Exhibition, Güzelyalý,Çanakkale,Turkey

-2005 A mixed Exhibition organized on the Turkey Behalf of the street boys, Teoman Ünüsan
Art Gallery,Mersin,Turkey

-2005 The 46. International Nasreddin Hodja Festivity, Çizgi-bant (Line-stripe)
caricature competition, jury membership, Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts,

-2005 Amixed Exhibition by the Academic Staff of the Art Deparment, The Galerry of State
Fine Arts, Çanakkale, Turkey

-2004 The 89. year Maritime Victory week, A mixed Exhibition, Troia Culture Center,
Çanakkale, Turkey

-2003 A Mixed Art Exhibition by the Academic Staff of the Faculty Fine Arts, ÇOMU, Turkey

-2003 A Mixed Art Exhibition by the Academic Staff of the Faculty Fine Arts, ÇOMU,
Gökçeada, Turkey

-2003 A Mixed Art Exhibition by the Academic Staff of the Faculty Fine Arts, ÇOMU,
Culture Center, Çanakkale

-2002 The Tenth year Mixed Art Exhibition by the Academic Staff of ÇOMU, Turkey

-2001 A Mixed Art Exhibition by the Academic Staff of the Faculty Fine Arts, ÇOMU, Turkey


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 4 Giugno 2007
Visitatori dal 19/11/2006 : 61751

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