world artist
Boro Ivetic

Cuprija Yugoslavia


oil on  canvas,  55x65 cm cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  55x65 cm cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  55x65 cm cm, 2004


Still Life II
oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm, 2002


Still Life III
oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm cm, 2003


Still Life IV
oil on  canvas,  65x55cm cm, 2004


Still Life V
oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm, 2006


Still Life VI
oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm, 2006


White Horse
oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm cm, 2006




Boro Ivetic was born 1946. in Sarajevo.
Graduated in a Arts Academy, paint section in Sarajevo 1991. In the class taught by professor Ratko Lalic ( 1st and 2nd year) and Lj. Percinlica ( 3rd and 4th year). His work matures in painting styles which were created by his professors and already affirmed artists (Berber, Zec, Mujezinovic, etc.) Art with elements of old cultures (still nature) put in modern ambient, affirmative beauty of colors and values of painting profession.
Paintings tell us that act of painting is superior area for establishment of mental, spiritual and sensible contents and not just simple decoration on walls. In the time of postmodern, when all painting styles existed, art movements, comprehensions, he with his paintings proved a good choice by his artistic path.
Acknowledgment of this statement are also numerous owners of his paintings in the USA, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and countries from former Yugoslavia (SFRJ).


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 15 Novembre 2006
Visitatori dal 12/11/2006 : 62770

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