world artist
Douglas A Kinsey

645 Hiland Avenue
Coraopolis, PA 15108 USA (Stati Uniti)

tel. 1.412.269.9044

Estuary 2
cartapesta on  paper,  14" x 17" cm, 2006


Estuary 3
cartapesta on  paper,  14" x 17" cm, 2006


Estuary 4
cartapesta on  paper,  14" x 17" cm, 2006


Estuary 9
cartapesta on  paper,  14" x 17" cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharmostia 1
oil on  linen,  40 cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharmostia 2
oil on  linen,  40 cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharmostia 3
oil on  linen,  40 cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharmostia 5
oil on  linen,  40" 46" x 2" cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharmostia 6
oil on  linen,  40" x 46" x 2" cm, 2006


Interval Series, eucharnmostia 4
acquatinta on  linen,  40" x 46" x 2" cm, 2006


Interval Series, pleroma 3
pastel on  paper,  28" x 20" cm, 2006


Interval Series, schema 10
pastel on  paper,  28" x 20" cm, 2006


Interval Series, schema 7
pastel on  paper,  28" x 20" cm, 2006


Interval Series, schema 8
pastel on  linen,  28" 20" cm, 2006


Interval Series, schema 9
pastel on  paper,  28" x 20" cm, 2006




Douglas Kinsey has been prolific as a painter for over thirty years. His first solo-exhibit was held at Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1972. As a young man Kinsey had the great good fortune to work and study under two of Canada’s more notable color-field minimalists Jean Goguen and Guido Molinari while attending what is now known as Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Kinsey is a graduate of The Otis College of Art, Los Angeles, CA.

Doug approaches the development of his imagery with an expressed Zen-like economy. The strong subtle spiritual component remains as the most compelling attitude seen in his work. This abiding stillness expressed in the dark blue forms can at times produce a roaring sense of complete mystical silence. During this experience the viewer is asked to join and participate in the deeper mysteries which can occur during profound moments of inner-contemplation. By allowing the physical landscape aspects of his Ohio River Valley home to influence his primary shapes and forms a strong organic quality is defined. Intrinsically haptic by nature, Doug’s work articulates the combining of the intellect with the spiritual truths to be found in nature.

A native of California, Kinsey has resided in Pittsburgh, PA for almost ten years. He received his Masters degree in theology from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and currently teaches art to severely “at risk” children at The Holy Family Institute for Learning in Pittsburgh, PA.

Kinsey has exhibited widely in the US and abroad. Most notably are exhibitions at The Carnegie Museum of Art in 2001 which was curated by David Carrier, critic for Artforum and Art in America, In 2003 he received notice from Thomas Sokolowski, Director of The Andy Warhol Museum when he was awarded Best in Show at The Hoyt Institute of Art. Kinsey was also included in an exhibition at the State Museum of Pennsylvania for an unprecedented two years in a row 2003-2004. Also in 2004 his work was included in Westmoreland Museum of American Art Biennial, The Andy Warhol Museum of Art, and Gallery Ginza Himawari, Tokyo, Japan. Two large canvases were selected for The Butler Institute of American Art 70th Summer Annual. 2006 (Youngstown, Ohio). The curator was noted painter and art critic for NEWSWEEK Magazine, Peter Plagens. “Interval Series, exodus” received an Honorable Mention award.

Curriculum vitae:

Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, M.Div., Pittsburgh, PA 1999
Otis College of Art, B.F.A., Los Angeles, CA 1985
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 1976
University Of Oregon, Eugene, OR 1969

2006 - Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA
2005 - ROYGBIV Gallery, Columbus, OH
2003 - Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
(Curated by Katherine Talcott; Curator, Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh, PA.)

1982 - Bard Hall, San Diego, California
1981 - The Athenaeum, La Jolla, California
1976 - Vehicule Galerie, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1975 - Mount St. Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1974 - Pier 1 Theatre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1971 - CBC National Television (Photographs), Canada

2006 - The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH
(The BIAA 70th Annual Summer Exhibit was curated by Peter Plagens, noted American painter and art critic for NEWSWEEK Magazine. Kinsey’s “Interval Series, exodus” received an Honorable Mention award.)

2005 - Gallery Ginza Himawari, Tokyo, Japan (A contrast between traditional Zen calligraphers and Western abstract artists addressing spiritual points of view.)

2005 - Marziart Internationale, Hamburg, Germany
2004 - The Westmoreland Museum of American Art Biennial, Greensburg, PA
(Curated by Ingrid Schaffner, Senior Curator, The Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA. Ms. Schaffner’s reviews have been published in Artforum and Art in America magazines.
She also writes museum catalogues for such institutions as The Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC.)

2004 - The Regina Gouger Miller Gallery, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (Curated by artist/lecturer Renee Stout.)

2004 - The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA
2004 - The Three River Arts Festival, Liberty Avenue Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA (Curated by Katherine Talcott and Alex Smith.)

2004 - The University Gallery, The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

2004 - The Andy Warhol Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA(Curated by The Warhol Museum staff.)

2003 - ROYGBIV Gallery, Columbus, OH
2003 - The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA
2003 - The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts, New Castle, PA (Curated by Thomas Sokolowski, Director of The Andy Warhol Museum. Received Best in Show award.)

2003 - The Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh, PA
(Curated by New York artist Mark Sheinkman.)

2002 - The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2002 - Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
2001 - Carnegie Museum of Art, 91st Annual Associated Artists Exhibit, Pittsburgh, PA (Juried by David Carrier, art critic for Artforum, Art in America magazines.)

2000 - Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
2000 - PSA 2000, Third St Gallery, Carnegie, PA
1988 - Walt Disney Imagineering, Glendale, California
1986 - Brand Library Exhibition Space, Glendale, California(Curated by Los Angeles gallery owner Ruth Bachofner.)

1985 - Onyx, Los Angeles, California
1985 - The Art Store, Los Angeles, California (Curated by noted late Abstract Expressionist Emerson Woelffer.)

1979 - Riggs Gallery, San Diego, California
1975 - Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Kinsey’s work is represented in collections throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, The United Kingdom, and The Netherlands, including the private collection of the former Deputy Finance Minister of Mexico and the Bank of America Corporate Collection (Los Angeles, CA).
His work has been reviewed on CBC television, Canada, in the Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and the Montreal Star, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; his work was also reviewed in The Evening Outlook, Santa Monica, CA, In Pittsburgh, PULP, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and The Tribune Review, Pittsburgh, PA.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 9 Novembre 2006
Visitatori dal 5/11/2006 : 65368

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