world artist
Ansgard Thomson

207-9120-156 Street T5R-1Y8
Edmonton /Alberta (Canada)

tel. 1 780 -443-4565

Cloning of new life
digital art on  paper,  28cmx28cm cm, 2000


digital art on  paper,  36.5 x 26.5cm approx. cm, 2000


Millennium Artist
digital art on  paper,  38x28 cm cm, 2000


The Golden Shield
digital art on  paper,  13.5" X11" cm, 2001


digital art on  paper,  28x28cm cm, 2000




I was born in 1923 in Silesia, Germany. The part of Germany is Polish today. I grew up surrounded by art. My father painted in watercolors and my uncle was a well-known Silesian painter in oils, my brothers and sisters were also exploring art in one form or another, we were 7 children. I claim that my early influences gave me a lifelong interest in art. My secret desire to enter an art school was not practical at that time (wartime) I entered nursing instead. After losing everything at the end of the war, the attachment to art became very strong (when everything lost its values the artists spoke an appealing language).I socially entered the art circles in Germany and later in Paris, where I worked for 10 years. I immigrated to Canada in 1959. I married in 1970 Walter F.Thomson an Agrologist after working in Edmonton for 11 years.
We moved to the Farm in Fort Assiniboine in 1972

Soon after moving to the farm I started painting and taking art classes
as a member of the Community Arts Club Association and further Education.
Since 1993 I have become a digital artist and all my works are done on the computer without scanning of any images .I also print all my works
as archival prints in my own studio.
I now in 2003 live in Edmonton and I am a member of the Visual Arts Association of Alberta

Curriculum vitae:
All updates of my activities as a digital Artist are found at this website


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 17 Ottobre 2003
Visitatori dal 27/6/2001 : 61468

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