world artist
Rocco Pesce

Waterbury (Stati Uniti)


Dream's Bicycle ride through an Italian Cemetary
mixed media on  canvas,  8"x10" cm, 2006


acrilic on  canvas,  11 cm, 2005




"Art has been an aspect of my life that has walked beside me, lived inside of me, and has always managed to haunt me. I have tried to be normal but my artistic talents have refused to let me be "too" normal.

I have done as others have by grasping at life to feed me, sustain me, support me. I worked at various jobs only to feel the weight of the chains around me, pulling me with great gravity, down towards the ground.

Art is always there holding out its soft and gentle hand, offering freedom. Freedom comes at a cost however, and the general public will not understand the need for an Artist to create. But I create! These pages will show you, the viewer, a brief example of the times when I have been fortunate to hold Art's gentle hand. I hope that you enjoy the results."


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Ottobre 2006
Visitatori dal 21/10/2006 : 60045

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