world artist
Sasho Kambourov

Pleven (Bulgaria)


Autumn Feast
oil on  canvas,  60 x 73 cm, 2001


Girl with a Bird
oil on  canvas,  80 x 92 cm, 1999


oil on  canvas,  73 x 60 cm, 2000


oil on  canvas,  80 x 80 cm, 1999


The Golden Girl
oil on  canvas,  73 x 60 cm, 1999




Sasho Kambourov, artist
Born February 28, 1963. Graduated from the "S.S. Cyril and Methodius" University in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, Department of painting, in 1989.
Member of the Union of the Bulgarian Artists, affiliated to the IAA/UNESCO.
Lives and works in Pleven, Bulgaria.

Curriculum vitae:


2002 - Painting, "VIP" Gallery, Rousse, Bulgaria;
2001 - Erotic Saloon, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria;
2000 - Painting, "Vidima Ideal" Gallery, Sevlievo, Bulgaria;
1999 - Painting, "Zoya" Gallery, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1997 - Drawings "Carpathian Story", "Suglasie" Gallery, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1996 - Collages "Alliance Francaise", Gallery 13, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1995 - Drawings, Cycle "Consecrated Grounds", Club of culture, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1993 - Painting "Parables", Gallery 13, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1992 - Painting "Erotic", Exhibition Halls of the Union of Bulgarian Artists, V.Turnovo;
1992 - Instalation "4x4", Erotic in the Roofed Market, Sofia, Bulgaria.


2004 - Second National Biennale of Small Forms, Pleven’04, Bulgaria
2004 - Artists from Pleven, "Shipka 6" Gallery The Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia;
2002 - First National Biennale of Small Forms, Pleven’02, Bulgaria;
2002 - Exposiciones en "Espais d' Art ACEA'S", Barcelona '2002, Spain;
2002 - IV International Small Engraving Saloon Carbunari, Florean Museum, Romania;
2001 - III International Small Engraving Saloon Carbunari, Florean Museum, Romania;
2000 - II International Small Engraving Saloon Carbunari, Florean Museum, Romania;
2000 - Artists from Pleven and Veliko Turnovo, "Ilya Beshkov" Gallery, Pleven, Bulgaria;
2000 - Artists from Pleven, "Shipka 6" Gallery The Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia;
1999 - Romfea Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
1999 - "The Nude", "Vuzrazhdane" Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
1998 - "International Outdoor Art Session", Pleven, Bulgaria;
1998 - "Impression", Plovdiv Fair, Bulgaria;
1996 - "Triennial Sofia'96 International Exhibition of Painting", Bulgaria;
1996 - "Alter ego", "Colloseum" Gallery, Pleven, Bulgaria;
1996 - "Artists from Pleven in Keiserslautern", Germany;
1996 - "Artists from Pleven in Rostov na Don", Russia;
1995 - 18th International Exhibition of prints in Kanagawa, Japan;
1994 - "Spiritual Messages" II, "Vitosha" Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria;
1993 - "Spiritual Messages" I, "Vitosha" Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria;
1993 - 7th International Print Biennial, Varna '93, Bulgaria.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 13 Ottobre 2006
Visitatori dal 12/10/2006 : 61385

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