world artist
Haldun Serdaroglu

Ataturk 106 Bitez / Bodrum
mugla (Turchia)

tel. 90 252 3638950

mosaic on  marble,  90x120 cm cm, 2006


mosaic on  marble,  70 x 105 cm cm, 2005




I was born in 1960 in Balýkesir, Turkey.After graduating from high school, I continued with my education in the field of business administration. In 1981 graduation and then in the field of fine arts.Started to specialize in banking ,in foreign exhange department as manager in Ýstanbul - at the same time initiation to ''drawing'' and "mosaic art".

In 1999 I left Ýstanbul because I had decided to get away from its chaos and moved to Bodrum, I am interested in pebble mosaic for a long time and then I'm influenced from ancient mosaic which have very big importance on cultural interaction.I use natural stones which are obtained from quarries in different regions of Turkey.I'm making these work myself by hand cutting of natural tumbled stones, ie.marble,traverten one by one.Any form not used and they are unique work.Since, to have original mosaics in celebrated museums in the world is impossible, I want to introduce to people the reproductions of these richest collections of mosaics.

Since 1999 I live in Bodrum / Turkey and between 1999 and 2006 I have my own workshop named MOSAIC HOME in the holiday-village Bitez, Bodrum. I continue working as a mosaic artist.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 27 Ottobre 2006
Visitatori dal 8/10/2006 : 60524

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