world artist
Betty Seminario

74 St. Paul's Ave, Staten Island
New York (Stati Uniti)

tel. 1 718 981 9424

Testing The Pot
oil on  canvas,  24 x 33 in (62 x 83 cms) cm,


Testing The Pot
pencil on  alabastro,  12 x 16 in (30 x 40cms) cm,


Dancing The Our God
oil on  canvas,  34 x 70 in (86 x 179 cms) cm,


Dancing The Our God
pencil on  paper,  17 x 34 in ( 46 x 86 cms) cm,


The Well of Water
oil on  canvas,  24 x 16 in (60 x 40 cms) cm,


The Well of Water
pencil on  cardboard,  24 x 16 in (60 x 40 cms) cm,


The Travern
oil on  canvas,  20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cms) cm,


pencil on  cardboard,  12 x 16 in (30 x 40cms) cm,


The Station
pencil on  cardboard,  23 x 28 in (57 x 71 cms) cm,


pencil on  cardboard,  12 x 16 in (30 x 40cms) cm,


The Small School
pencil on  cardboard,  17 x 23 in (43 x 64 cms) cm,




Languages Spanish (mother tongue), Italian, English.

Curriculum vitae:

Educational & Professional Background
1981 The National School of Fine Arts, Lima, Perú.
1984 Pergollesi School of Desing, Ancona, Italy.
1983 The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant, Italy.
1991 Silver medal, Marano Principato,Italy.
silver medal,International Academy of Modern Art of Rome, Italy.
2006 Premier Grant, New York City Departament of Cultural Affairs, U.S.
1996 Art Peruvian, Edizione La Sfinge Malaspina, Italy
2004 Ibero American Encyclopedia of Contemporary Plastic Artists, City University of New York, U.S.
2006 Dance Africa, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Department of Educacion and Humanities of New York, U.S.
Public Work (Murals)
1994 Folklore of the City of Scalea Municipality of Scalea, Italy
2006 The Lenape, murals the past history of the Indians Americans,Staten Island Museum of Arts and Sciences, New York, U.S.
Coming Exhibition, 2006
Nov. Deep Roots, Peruvian Ambaciate, New York, U.S.
Nov. The Lenapes, The Staten Island Museum, New York, U.S.
Dec. Beyond Costumbrismo, New York, U.S.
Collective Exhibition
1989 Duomo Gallery, Rieti, Italy.
1991 La Pigna Gallery, Rome, Italy.
Municipality of Marano Principato, Cosenza, Italy.
1992 International Academy of Modern Art,Rome, Italy.
Intercultural Italia, Costa Rica.
1993 Palazzo Barberini, Rome, Italy.
1995 La Pigna Gallery, Rome, Italy.
1996 The Tartaruga Gallery, Rome, Italy.
2004 Tribes Gallery, New York, U.S.
54th Annual Fence Show, New York, U.S.
2005 Alice Austin Museum, New York, U.S.
Annual Juried Art Show, Staten Island Museum, New York, U.S.
2006 Unitarian Church, New York, U.S.
Individual Expositions
1991 Defendiamo La Vita, Calabria, Italy.
Palacio Comunal de Fara Sabina, Rieti, Italy.
2005 Center for Traditional Music and Dance, New York, U.S.
The Riverside Church, New York, U.S.
Latino Civic Association, New York, U.S
2006 The African in the Peruvian, Brooklyn Academy of Music, NY, U.S.
The Masks in the Peruvian, Brooklyn Academy of Music, NY, U.S.
Graphics(1994-1996) Rome, Italy.
Publishes “Beltrilda” own comic strip of one Andean child tales in the
Diario Sabino and Polizzia Italiana.
Own rubric “Ultimo Minuto” of Enzo Bruno Editori.
Illustrates in the Corriere de lo Sport, II Tempo, La Voce di Roma, Italia Sud, Orologi non Solo, L’Opinione, La Pecora Nera, El Diario
Sabino, Polizzia Italiana, Minerva, Firma of the Dinners Club.
RAI 3 Radio Television Italiana,(1996-1997)Rome, Italy, Illustrator of Fantasticamente and Italia Mia Benche programs.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 10 Ottobre 2006
Visitatori dal 4/10/2006 : 63325

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