world artist
Kathamann Kathamann

1914 Conejo Drive
87505 - Santa Fe, NM (Stati Uniti)


sculpture on  metal,  38 cm,


installation on  various materials,  22' Diameter Circle cm,


installation on  metal,  Sizes vary from 3' x 7 cm,


Pandora's Box Series
sculpture on  metal,  18 cm,




1991, '94 Santa Fe Institute of Fine Arts, Masters Classes, with Beverly Pepper, John Chamberlain and Helen Frankenthaler
1985 College of Santa Fe, BA in Visual Arts, cum laude
1973-76 Christ Hospital School of Nursing
1975 Art Academy of Cincinnati
1970-71 Peace Corps/Afghanistan
1967-70 University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Art and Architecture

Curriculum vitae:

2000 'Burnt Offerings', [AC]2, Albuquerque Contemporary Art Center, Albuquerque, NM
2000 'Openings/Closures', Fuerza de Corazon, Santa Cruz, NM
2000 'Jazz Meets the Classics', Santa Fe Symphony Club, Sweeney Center, Santa Fe, NM
1999 'The Next Level', College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1999 'The Phi Phenomenon Film & Video Exhibit', "TecHouse", The Arc Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
1999, '97, '95, '93 Santa Fe Sculpture Project, College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, Stuart Ashman, juror ('97)
1998 'Vehicles', Harwood Art Center, Albuquerque, NM, Lucy Lippard & Patrick Nagatomi, jurors
1998 'Big Time Collage, Harwood Art Center, Albuquerque, NM
1998 'Artmarks', Santa Fe Public Library, Santa Fe, NM
1998 'Red Hot Landscapes', Jean Cocteau Theater Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1998 'People From the Past Millennium', Santa Fe Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
1998 'Contemporary '98', Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos, NM, Stuart Ashman, juror
1998 'Discovery' and 'People/New Mexico', Johnsons de Madrid, Madrid, NM
1997 'Private Visions', Santuario de Guadalupe, Santa Fe, NM
1996 'Cornucopia', Santa Fe Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
1996, '95, '94, 'Annual El Ancon Outdoor Sculpture Show', Ribera, NM
1995 'Paintings for the Solstice', Santa Fe Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
1995, '94, 'Visions of Excellence', Albuquerque United Artists, State Fair Art Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
1994 'Mid-life Trilogies', Church of Religious Science, Santa Fe, NM
1993 'Main Street Fort Worth Arts Festival', Downtown Fort Worth, Inc., Forth Worth, TX, Dennis R.Barrie, juror
1992 'Alchemy', Gallery at the Rep, Santa Fe, NM
1991 'Abstractions/Kathamann', Cloud Cliff Art Space, Santa Fe, NM
1990 'Kathamann/Paintings', New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
* Alpha Group, Santa Fe, NM
* Segreto Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
* Hand Artes Gallery, Truches, NM
* Fuerza de Corazon, Santa Cruz, NM
* Philip Bareiss Sculpture Park and Gallery, Taos, NM
* Johnsons of Madrid, Madrid, NM


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 7 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 60780

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