world artist
Angelica Malciu

Bucharest (Romania)

tel. +40726208097

oil on  board,  38*46 cm cm, 2006


oil on  board,  40x40 cm cm, 2006


Sill Life
oil on  canvas,  50x60cm cm, 2006


Drunk Man
oil on  canvas,  60x50cm cm, 2006


photography on  paper, 


photography on  paper,  2006


photography on  paper,  2007


photography on  paper,  2007


photography on  paper,  2007





2005 - Academy of Economic Studies, International Business, Bucharest, Romania.
2001 - "Neagoe Basarab" High school, Art Department.
1999 - Art and photography studies at Oltenita Museum.

Personal info:

I’ve started to draw by the age of 7, as far as I can remember. I used to draw and paint, as all the other children did, cartoons, animals from my grandparents place, flowers, people’s faces and everything else that I’ve considered beautiful and worth to be reminded. I'm self taught. I've learned some basics in my high school art class and from books. I’m still learning. I’ve studied great masters, in my opinion the greatest of all, like: Cezanne, Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali. I'm using only oil paint on canvas or board.


2006 - “PSE” Days, Bucharest, Romania
2006 - Salon of Art Bucharest, Romania


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 3 Aprile 2007
Visitatori dal 26/9/2006 : 62475

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