world artist
Ahmed Al Safi

Abbaye de La Prée. 36100 Ségry- France

tel. 0033 698 392 767.



Iraqi Artist live in France
-Born in Diwanya/Iraq 1971
-Bachelor sculpture College Of Fine Arts/Baghdad University/1994
-Member of The Iraqi Plastic Artists Society.
-Member of The Iraqi Artist association.
One man show:
-Abbaye de La Prée/France 2006 NEW
-French Cultural Centre/Baghdad 1999
The co-exhibitions

-exhibition of Fine Art College/ Baghdad 1994
-exhibition of Babylon Festival 1995
-exhibition of Mohr Al Dain for youth artists/ Athar Gallery 1998
-Most exhibitions held in Hewar gallery including:
Miniatures exhibition 2002
The exhibition of the sculptors paint 2002
Most exhibitions held in Al Mizzan gallery including:
- The exhibition of the Iraqi graphic 2001
- The exhibition of the forgotten country Paris/ Paris Municipality 2000
- The 44th Annual international Awarded Exhibition.sanDiego.2000
- The exhibition of the wounded country Amman/Jordon 2000
- Biennial Al Sharja.U.A.E/2001
- Narrow Space Gallery, Clonmel Ireland, June, 18th, 2004
- The Annual Art Ireland International Art Fair, Dublin 19 to 21 November. 2004
Public Sculpture:

- In the garden of: French Cultural Centre Baghdad


- Appreciative prize Ismail Fetah contest for youth Iraqi sculptors/Hewar gallery 1999
- The First prize Ismail Fetah contest for youth Iraqi sculptors/Hewar gallery 2000


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 20 Settembre 2006
Visitatori dal 18/9/2006 : 60189

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