world artist
Claudia Cejrowska

Calle 61 Nº 1076
1900, La Plata (Argentina)

tel. +54-221-4576083

Autumnal nakednes
oil on  canvas,  85x65 cm, 1998


oil on  canvas,  85x65 cm, 1988


Mother of nature
oil on  canvas,  80x100 cm, 2001


Shade of jacarandas
oil on  canvas,  85x65 cm, 1998


The Lady
oil on  canvas,  75x65 cm, 1997


The shells
oil on  canvas,  85x65 cm, 1998


Under the water
oil on  canvas,  90x80 cm, 2001


Water godess
oil on  canvas,  60x50 cm, 2000




Born in the city of La Plata, Argentina (1963).
With Independemt studies with argentinian master painters as Alzugaray, Prada, Santana and arts academy as Peña de las Bellas Artes de la ciudad de La Plata since 1983 and participated of many hall of exhibitions till the present date.

Curriculum vitae:

It has participated in halls and exhibitions organized by:
Municipality of La Plata. (1988) 
Torquinst Bank. (1989/1990/1991) 
Insurance Rivadavia. (1990) 
Cathedral of La Plata. (Hall Sacred art - 1997)
Municipality of Ensenada. (1997) 
Direction of Culture government. Pcia Buenos Aires. (Annual hall woman - 1998/1999/2001) 
Social circle Police Pcia. Buenos Aires. (1999)
Painting biennial Holiday Inn. (City of Cordoba - 2000) 
Virtual exhibition ' ' Il giorni di Pulcheria ' ' - Piacenza - Italy (2000/2001) ( 
Virtual exhibition in the web
Participation in the exhibitions and halls the annual calendar of the Association of Plastic Artists of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Peña of Beautiful Arts of the Prov. of Buenos Aires.
Active member of the Association of Plastic Artists of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Peña of Beautiful Arts of the Prov. of Buenos Aires


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 3 Marzo 2004
Visitatori dal 9/2/2001 : 62486

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