world artist
Marco Salvatore Mallamaci

Roma (Italia)


America Latina: Il Generale U$Ato/Latin America_The General U$ed
oil on  canvas,  cm 70 x cm 100 cm, 1984


oil on  canvas,  cm 70 x cm 100 cm, 1987


Decollato sulla via di Damasco /Decollated on his Way to Damascus
oil on  canvas,  cm 70 x cm 100 cm, 1990


Giovane sognante - Young Lady Dreaming
oil on  linen,  cm 50 x cm 70 cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  cm 40 x 50 cm, 1987


My Heart Lost on the Moon/Cuore sperduto sulla Luna
oil on  canvas,  cm 70 x cm 100 cm, 2004


Natura viva: Italia desnuda/Un-still Life_Cheery Italy
oil on  canvas,  cm 50 x cm 70 cm, 2001


Pellegrino orante incontra... la Luna/Prayng Pilgrim meets... the Moon
oil on  canvas,  cm 70 x cm 100 cm, 2005




Biographical Notes
by Sabrina Falzone

Born in Magna Graecia in 1948, the internationally recognised artist Marco Salvatore Mallamaci is of aristocratic Greek lineage that can be traced, precisely, back to the very foundation of Magna Graecia.
An artist, collector and official of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1979, Marco is a multifaceted character who surprises everyone he meets. He mostly lives abroad and is currently living in Asia.
He has travelled widely through Asia, Africa, America and Europe. These journeys have left indelible traces on his path in life, significantly enriching the cultural, ethnic, political and professional experiences which now represent the foundation of his inner wealth, the well from which he draws his inexhaustible creativity. It is not by chance that the self-taught artist’s corpus of pictorial works has a distinctly cosmopolitan feel: he can, to all intents and purposes, be defined a "citizen of the World."

In 1968 he emigrated to Canada, where he obtained his degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Windsor.
Marco began painting in the early 1980s, having moved from Rome to Namur in Belgium. Under the influence of Eugenio Barra, a painter and lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, whom he had met in the capital in 1979 and from whom he bought many works, Marco began gathering information on artistic techniques, eventually discovering oil painting as the perfect medium through which to express himself. The incipit of his art can be seen in the painting “Latin America: The General U$ed”, a work described as "a masterpiece" by the Chinese painter and critic Zhang Runshi (“Chinese Art” magazine no. 41, 15 October 2005).
From 1980 to 1999 Marco moves from Belgium to other countries such as Ethipia, Great Britain and Colombia. 1999 is a decisive year: he establishes himself in Beijing (China) where after a short time he becomes a well-known artist.
By 2003, Marco had begun to showcase his paintings to tens of thousands of art lovers and collectors at major international exhibitions in Beijing and Canton. Making his debut in the October of that same year, he participated in the Sixth Beijing International Art Exhibition. His appearance was greeted with public and critical acclaim. To quote but one review by the Chinese poet and painter Wang Xunsheng: "Marco is an outstanding contemporary painter: Italian art has found its heir.”
Marco's sensational popularity with the Chinese media has given his reputation an enormous boost. The prestigious monthly magazine "China Today", founded by the wife of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Founding Father of the People's Republic of China, was one of the first to sit up and take note. The fourth edition of “China Today” (April 2004) published a three-page feature on Marco, including an interview conducted by Dr. Hu Chunhua, Director of the French edition ("La Chine au Présent").
His success didn’t stop there. In 2004, Marco won the “Golden Prize” at the Seventh Beijing International Art Exhibition, attracting the attention of major national television networks, including CCTV (the equivalent of BBC in the United Kingdom) and “China International Investment Media Network TV." The media frenzy continued in the printed press, with Marco’s work being praised in newspapers such as "Canton News", "The Canton Journal" and magazines such as "Famous People in Beijing", "Beijing Tatler" and "Collections of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy”.

Marco has become China’s most famous foreign artist, a true icon of contemporary art. In 2005, he achieved further success with his participation at the Second Beijing International Art Biennale. Art critics particularly fond of his work include Li Xianting, Zhao Shulin, Yang Wei and journalists such as Dr. Wang Zhong, director of the art magazine “Art”, and Dr. Xu Yonglin, whose magazine "Chinese Art" even devoted a six-page feature to Marco. The Hon. Bai Yuzhang (art critic, painter and art dealer) is among those who most love Marco's works, together with the Hon. Qin Bialan, herself an internationally famous artist.
2005 was also the year that Marco returned to his home country and to Rome, only to discover that his phenomenal success in China had spilled over into Europe. Regularly invited to exhibit his work at both public and private institutions, he enjoyed favourable reviews from well-known art historians and critics from both Italy and abroad. In one review by the famous art critic and historian Sabrina Falzone, Marco was described as "the forerunner of a Neo-Existentialist symbolism for the 21st century”.
In October 2007, Peter Russu, the director of "Art Addiction" and editor of "World of Art Magazine", both London-based publications, showed particular interest in a publication on MASTERS, focused on Marco. In November 2007 he took part in “Impressions of the East", the International Art Exhibition held in the impressive Palazzo Spinola di San Luca (also known as the Palazzo Ratto-Picasso) in Genoa. The following month, as a guest of the Scientific Committee, Marco appeared (for the first and last time) at the sixth edition of the International Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence, held at the Fortezza da Basso.
In 2008 he was the Guest of Honour at the fourth International Biennale of Ferrara, sponsored by the Municipality and Province of Ferrara and held at the historic Palazzo Ex Borsa.
From 12th June to 4th July 2009, the Museum of the Americas, in Miami (USA), has presented a Solo Exhibition of the Artist and the same exhibition was soon after (5-29 August) presented again by the Latino Art Museum in Pomona (California).
From 4 to 14 December 2009 Marco participated to the 14th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition.
In 2014 Marco receives a "John Paul II Award" for his oil painting "Maria".
From 11 to 25 January 2015 – invited by the President of the Scientific Committee Prof. Paolo Levi and by the Artistic Director Dr. Sandro Serradifalco – Marco participates to the 2nd International Biennale of Art in Palermo (Italy) inaugurated by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi who, soon after, has invited him to join his artistic publishing plan "Pronto Soccorso" .
From 19 to 30 May 2015 Marco takes part, in Rome, to the exhibition “Piazza del Popolo – from Caravaggio up to now” which takes place in the Bramante Hall, a monumental complex that welcomes exhibitions from the classical period up to today.
Prof. Levi has invited Marco “For his great communication power that comes from a deep technical and expressive research. His participation to the Roman event is due to a great reputation and to the special attention paid to his works and to his sublime creativity". His painting "Pope Francis with President Xi Jinping" is published on Effetto Arte, directed by Prof. Paolo Levi.
From 30 May to 8 June 2015 Marco takes part, at the Gallery of Modern Art “Le Porte” in Naples, to the exhibition “Representation of the contemporary world through Art”.
Marco's success is proof that art can still be considered a valid tool for unprejudiced political, ethical and social expression.
Sabrina Falzone
Critic and Art Historian

Curriculum vitae:

Group shows

The 6th Beijing International Art Exposition, Beijing, China (1–5 Oct 2003);
The 8th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, China (16-20 Dec 2003);
The 11th China Art Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China (15-21 Sep 2004);
The 7th Beijing International Art Exhibition, Beijing, China (1-5 Oct 2004);
The 9th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, China (16-20 Dec 2004);
The 2nd Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, China (20 Sep – 20 Oct 2005);
Impressions of the East, Ars Habitat, Genoa, Italy (17-30 Nov 2007);
The 6th Florence International Art Biennale, Italy (1-9 Dec 2007);
The 4th Ferrara International Art Biennale, Italy – Special Guest (24 Oct – 2 Nov 2008;
The 14th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, China (10-14 Dec 2009);
The 2nd Palermo International Art Biennale, Palermo, Italy (11-25 January 2015);
Bramante Hall in Rome: “Piazza del Popolo – from Caravaggio up to now” (19-30 May 2015).
Gallery of Modern Art “Le Porte” in Naples: Representation of the contemporary world through Art” (30 May – 8 June 2015).

Solo exhibitions

Museum of the Americas, Doral/Miami, USA (12 Jun – 4 Jul 2009);
Latino Art Museum, Pomona, California, USA (5 29 Ago 2009).
Sep 2004)


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 13 Maggio 2015
Visitatori dal 31/8/2006 : 62598

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