world artist
Sylvia Guimarăes

Rio De Janeiro (Brasile)


Iluminada I
oil on  canvas, 


Iluminada II
oil on  canvas, 


Iluminada III
oil on  canvas, 


Iluminada IV
oil on  canvas, 




The Artist and her Workmanship

Simple in its daily one, almost that anonymous, thus is the woman who the artist Sylvia Guimarães portraies in its workmanship. However, when photographed in its day–by-day’s life, in the perception of the artist, they become unique, strong, challenging and intriguing and that creates a paradox with which is more interesting to interact of that to try to decipher. Its workmanships, present strong visual impact, what it is obtained through techniques of creation and achievement that consist on the incorporation of a diversity of materials to the screen, transmitting an impressive interaction of sépias yellow tones and with strong relief sensations. Thus, in the end of the century, we have in the workmanship of Sylvia Guimarães an uneven vision of the essence of the female being, presented under diverse angles that converge in a revealing look: the innate and umpretencious sensuality. Sylvia Guimarães was born in 06 of July of 1954, in the state of Rio De Janeiro, initiated her career in Vitória - ES, where she is consolidated since 1977.

Curriculum vitae:

1994 – Individual Display in the Space of the Arts of the Escelsa - Centro da Praia Shopping
Vitória - ES
1995 - Individual Display in the Space of the Banco do Brasil N. Friburo - RJ.
1996 - Individual Display in Assembléia Legislativa - Vitória - ES.
Individual Display in the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - - Belo Horizonte - MG.
1997 - Individual Display in the Cultural Space of Correios - Vitória - ES.
Individual Display in the Centro de Arte de Nova Friburgo - RJ
Individual Display in the Space of Escelsa - Vitória - ES.
1998 - Individual Display in the Space of Littig - Vila Velha - ES.
Individual Display in the Cultural Space of Correios -Agência Centro - Vitória - ES
Individual Display in the Cultural Space of Correios-Cachoeiro de Itapemirim-ES.
1999 – Collective Display in Espaço Ofício - Vitória - ES
Individual Display in the Shopping Boulevard da Praia - Vitória – ES
Individual Display in the Cultural Space of Correios
Collective Display in the Space of Instituto dos Advogados – Vitória - ES

Collective Display in the Congresso Nacional – Brasília - DF
Official hall of Free Art of Caraguatatuba – SP
2000 – Colletive Display Arte e Ofício – Mucuri – BA
Colletive Display Galeria Brazarts – Toronto – Canadá
Colletive Display Winterfest 2000 – Toronto – Canadá
Individual Display in the Space of Art of the Infraero – Aeroporto – Vitória – ES
Individual Display in the Guinness Chop Bar – Belo Horizonte - MG
Collective Display Minas-Espírito Santo Interchange -Galeria de Artes Fabrício Santos
Manhuaçu - MG
III Hall of Plastic Arts of Peruíbe – Peruíbe – SP
Colletive Display in the Third Cultural Meeting of the Faculdade Montessori – São Paulo – SP


Ultimo aggiornamento: marted́ 28 Ottobre 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 60926

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