world artist
Nora Sidoine Brown

Seattle (Stati Uniti)


mixed media on  alabastro,  H 46 cm,


Screen I
mixed media on  alabastro,  H 46 cm,


Screen II
mixed media on  alabastro,  H 46 cm,


mixed media on  alabastro,  H 48 cm,




Lima, Peru - August 20, 1955
National School of Fine Arts, Lima, Peru, Masters in Fine Arts and Art Education - 1978-1984

Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru, Peru Art Program - 1975-1976

University of Lima, Lima, Peru, General Studies - 1973-1975

Cristina Gaivez, Lima, Peru - 1976 - Drawing

Miguel Angel Cuadros Studio, Lima, Peru - 1983-84 - Drawing and Painting

Angel Chavez, Lima, Peru - 1983-84 - Composition and Painting

Frank O'Cain and Bruce Dorffman, Art Student League, New York - 1988 - Composition, Painting and Collage

Curriculum vitae:

In the golden light of arid coastal Peru, I grew up seeing the blue-purple-silver and yellow-orange-gold metallic colors of sand vibrating under a SunGod sky - these are some of the colors on my palette. My work has been deeply enriched by my awareness of my heritage. I am Peruvian and Italian, French and West Indian - living here in North America since 1988.

My love of Pan American mythology folklore and symbolism energizes me with the power of archetypes and symbols shared by all cultures in their search for meaning in the world between earth and sky.

I am intrigued by the universality of symbols found world-wide - this is my image language!
I am always resonating with the timeless Andean textural palette - gauze, burlap, rope and sand - symbolizing body, spirit, land and sky. I start by using these textures to form my compositions. Subsequently, covering my work in black, I reduce these textures to raw structures before bringing my colors to life - by layers. These appear out of tactile darkness - like dreams.

My inspiration comes everyday and everywhere - with thought and imagination, and in conflict and feeling, and my goal is to express my symbolic life in a language understood by all people regardless of time and place.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 60990

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