world artist
Dimitris Milionis

Athens (Grecia)

tel. +30-210-6547194

Flying Red Hearts
acrilic on  paper,  20 x 20 cm cm, 2005




1960 born in Sydney, Australia

Lives and works in Athens, Greece


A self taught visual artist

Dimitris C.Milionis is presently living and working in Athens, Greece since 1974. Born in Sydney, Australia 1960.

As a teenager since 1972-74 besides his traditional academic studies, he explores technical drawing, wood and metal workshops at Tempe Languages High School (Sydney, Au.). From 1974-78 at American Community Schools (ACS) Academy School in Athens, he explores B&W photography, 8mm film and video he takes studies in drawing, mechanical drawing and architecture including printmaking in linocuts. In 1979-80 he works on several Greek films and serials in post production. During this period he involves himself with the study of Film & Theatrical Costumes related to and Ancient Greek Theater Stage, Props and Sceneography while he re-explores Painting in all mediums and several other art forms as traditional Greek Orthodox Byzantine Iconography, Etching, Sculpture, Design and Screen Printing.

Curriculum vitae:

Solo Exhibitions

1992 Dada art gallery – Athens
retrospect of work over the years 1980-1992,
paintings in all mediums.

1997 Image art gallery - Athens
"Apocryphic Fruit" (catalogue)
A three month project of 50 small oil paintings
art critic Bia Papadopoulou

1998 Monohoro art gallery - Athens
"Argonauts" series 1995-98
20 Large Paintings oil on canvas

1999 Olga Georgantea art gallery - Athens
"Argonauts" 50 paintings,tempera on paper (catalogue)
Ideas-Thoughts-Sketches 1990-1999
art critic: Bia Papadopoulou
art critic: Yannis Kolokotronis

2004 [Mar] Monohoro art gallery - Athens
"Light of the Aegean" series 2000-2003
40 Small Paintings 30x40cm Acrylic on canvas(catalogue)
art critics: Anita Patsouraki
art critics: Ergina Xydou
art critics: Maria Aggeli.

2004 [Oct] Perplanisi art gallery, Glyfada, Athens
53 Small Paintings 24x18cm, 30x24cm,
25x35cm, 30x40cm, 40x50cm & 60x80cm Acrylic on canvas
art essay by : Ioannis Paleologos - visual artist

2005 Monohoro art gallery - Athens
"Leykolithos" series 2004-5
40 Paintings 40x50cm Acrylic on canvas


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 28 luglio 2006
Visitatori dal 25/7/2006 : 59787

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