world artist
Nathalie Chavieve

Helsinki (Cipro)


Blind religion
oil on  canvas,  76 x 64,5 cm cm, 2006


Encouraging pray
oil on  canvas,  74 x 74 cm cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  71 x 51 cm cm, 2005


Lost soul
oil on  canvas,  53 x 70 cm cm, 2006




My pictures are a true creation of my soul, lead by ideas of surrealism. They are executed on the basis of my understanding and analysis of desires, instincts and the connection of natural with surreal reality combined with fiction.
I let my imagination and fantasy run wild and free in my paintings.

From my heart and soul, the art of painting is an imaginative exploration for tentative answers to the mysterious challenges of our life, and is a manifestation of the human spirit in the search of a high consciousness.
I wish to explore circumstances and situations, imparting a visual spirituality that is both relative and timeless. My personal reward being that people will feel my energy through my paintings, and themselves become energised.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 24 luglio 2006
Visitatori dal 23/7/2006 : 60949

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