world artist
Orna Ben-Shoshan

Raanana (Israele)

tel. 972-9-7718982

Musical Chairs
oil on  canvas,  90x110 cm cm, 2006


All you Need to Know
oil on  canvas,  80x90 cm cm, 2006


Birthday II
oil on  canvas,  90x90 cm cm, 2006


Chariot in Red Zone
acquatinta on  alabastro,  90x100 cm cm, 2000


Egg Receptors
oil on  canvas,  60x80 cm cm, 2006


Hector The Janitor
oil on  canvas,  90x100 cm cm, 2002


Sound To Light
oil on  canvas,  80x100 cm cm, 2006


The Therapist
oil on  canvas,  90x90 cm cm, 2005




Orna Ben-Shoshan's artwork gives the viewer a rare and insightful visit to places beyond consciousness. Her paintings release the imagination and extend the limits of ordinary perception. In her colorful scenes, which take place in a distant world, creatures and objects interact in unpredictable ways and are uninfluenced by the laws of physics.

Artist Orna Ben-shoshan receives the images she paints through channeling. Unlike most artists, all of her paintings are completed in her mind before she transfers them onto the canvas.

Orna's works infuse deep spiritual experience with subtle humor. Critics remark that each of her pieces is a world unto itself. The images are executed with intricate detail and seasoned by a multitude of colors and decorative patterns that are influenced by her work as a designer.

During her career as a fine artist for the past twenty years, Orna has created a large body of work and is presently focusing on oil paintings. In addition to oil paintings, she creates computer art. These images are transformed into hand-decorated prints on canvas. Currently she also works as a freelance illustrator and textile designer.

Orna Ben-Shoshan was born in Kibbutz Yifaat, Israel, in 1956. She received her training as a graphic designer in Tel-Aviv. In 1982 she moved to the U.S. where she lived for fifteen years.

Since her first one person show in 1983 (Lancaster, PA) Orna has exhibited her work in museums and galleries throughout the U.S. and abroad, including "ART EXPO N.Y." in 1996. She has recieved several awards, such as the "Grumbacher Award" from the Copley Society of Boston. Her work was published in "Yoga Journal" and by "Recycled Paper Products". She is also featured in the 10th edition of "The Encyclopedia of Living Artists".

Orna returned to Israel in 1996 where she is continuing to work from her studio in Ra'anana. Her first one person show in Israel took place at "Tzavta", Tel-Aviv, in 1998 and won remarkable reviews. Since then, she has been exhibiting her art at numerous one-person and group shows in Israel and Europe.

Curriculum vitae:


July 1982 121 Studio Gallery, Lancaster, PA

November 1985 Kowan Gallery, The Parthenon Museum, Nashville, TN

April 1987 Options Gallery, Nashua, NH

December 1989 The Horn Library Gallery, Babson College, Wellesley, MA

October 1990 Newton Municipal Gallery, Newton, MA

December 1990 Salem State College University Gallery, Salem, MA

June 1992 Bak Galley, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA

November 1995 Newton Art Gallery, Newton, MA

July 1998 “Tzavta” Theatre, Tel-Aviv, Israel

March 1999 The Gallery at “Yad Labanim”, Raanana, Israel

October 1999 Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel

March 2000 “Zionists of America” house, Tel-Aviv, Israel

May 2000 “Aba Hushi” Community Center, Haifa, Israel

October 2000 “Doxa”, Tel-Aviv, Israel

December 2000 Beit Gavriel, Kineret, Israel

April 2001 “Tzavta”, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Sept. - Nov. 2001 Mitzpe Hayamim, Rosh Pina, Israel

Dec. 2001-Jan. 2002 Haichal Hatarbut Rishon LeZion, Israel 1

March- April 2002 Haichal Hatarbut, Karmiel, Israel

Feb - March 2003 Glikman House, Ramat-Hasharon, Israel

April 2003 Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem

April-May 2004 Ahuzat Bait, Raanana

Sept. 2004 Coppa D’Arte, Tel-Aviv

December 2004 Horace Richter Gallery, Old Jaffa

Feb-March 2006 Arad Museum, Arad, Israel

1982 Arts Spring Festival, William Penn Museum, Harrisburgh, PA

1983 The 4th National Show, Galerie Triangle, Washington, D.C.

1984 The International Art Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA

The 37th Annual Exhibition, Currier Gallery, Manchester, NH

National Annual Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, SoHo, NY

1985 The 12th Dogwood Festival, Atlanta, PA

National Print Exhibition, Rose Art Museum,

Brandies University, Waltham, MA

1986 Israeli Artists’ Exhibition, Cote Gallery, Long Island, NY

Members’ Exhibition, Copley Society, Boston, MA

ArtSpace International Gallery, Sacramento, CA

Christies Conetmporary Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel

1987 A.R.T.S. Resource, San Francisco, CA

1989 The 8th International Exhibition, Ariel Gallery, New York, NY

Eleven East Ashland Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

1991 International Art Exhibition, San Diego Art Institute, CA

1993 International Spring Exhibition, Miami, Florida

1995 Samuel Galleries, Brooklyn, NY

Muse Gallery, Kansas City, Missuri

1997 ArtExpo, NY

Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

2001 Gallery C International, Paris, France

2003 “Doll” (Group Show), Yad Labanin, Raanana

Peters Gallery, Limassol, Cypress

2004 “Clowns” Ahuzat-Bayit, Raanana, Israel

2005 Four Artists Show, Beit Meirov, Holon

2005 “Amanut Haaretz”, Tel-Aviv

Salon of Israeli Art, Tel-Aviv


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 18 luglio 2006
Visitatori dal 18/7/2006 : 62724

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