world artist
Lucia Botto

São Paulo (Brasile)

tel. 5511-97144759

acrilic on  canvas,  100x100 cm, 2004


O ConcertoII
acrilic on  canvas,  140x100 cm, 2004


Os Músicos e a Viola
acrilic on  canvas,  50x50 cm, 2004


The City
acrilic on  canvas,  100x100 cm, 2004




Young Brazilian painter exhibits her more recent paintings on contemporary figurative style, acrylic on canvas.
Born in Curitiba in Paraná, she grow up in Rio de Janeiro and nowadays Lucia Botto lives and works in São Paulo city, in the county of Brazil. She has lived in this city where it started the maturation of his artistic vein since she was a teenager.
Undoubtedly, Lucia Botto appears to be a not very common person. Her trips as well, she frequent contact with people from the artistic environment and from different cultures. She shows us her eagerness to discover new conections and new way to observe the human feelings.
Her desire not to stop her own artistic and cultural growth and improve her own ability to interpret life and the world of music. With an unquestionable technical competence makes her painting an interesting art work in contemporary style.
Her works have a fresh and optimistic view. The influence of Modigliani is very clear and together with her personal style, and the simplicity of the forms, create an impression of something new and dramatic, with a beautiful combinations of colors.

Curriculum vitae:

She has been performing since 1998 in many places in São Paulo, Brazil.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 19 Aprile 2005
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 61045

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