world artist
Dana Tomsa Oberhoffer

Roma (Italia)

tel. +39 3464233261

Il tutto è maggiore della somma delle sue parti
mixed media on  board,  100x80 cm  cm, 2010


Le pecore e i cani da guardia fanno di tutto per proteggere il loro status quo.
mixed media on  paper,  75x52 cm cm, 2010


mixed media on  board,  65x65 cm cm, 2009


Il primo principio della dinamica
mixed media on  canvas,  70 x 50 cm cm, 2009






- since 1991 live and paint in Rome, Italy
- she attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy (1987)
- she attended the Academy of Fine Arts abroad (1988-1991) the main section of painting, sculpture secondary.
- diploma - art school – abroad (1986) qualification designer.

- vive e lavora a Roma, Italia dal 1991
- ha frequentato l'Accademia di Belle Arti Roma (1987).
- ha frequentato l'Accademia di Belle Arti (1988 -1991) sezione pittura, secondario scultura/estero.
- diploma di Maturità - Liceo artistico(1986) - specializzazione designer /estero.

Curriculum vitae:


The artists participating the barrel art promotion and the airport where their work will be exhibited are: Sheyna Baig, Mumbai; Imin Yeh, San Francisco; Dana Tomsa, JFK; Margaret Ho, Singapore Changi; Dana Tomsa, JFK; Mark Sampson and Andy Vella, Abu Dhabi; Jeff Roland, Auckland; and Bryan Bowie, Los Angeles


- Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Art 2010 / exposure of the piece of the airport JFK New York
- folder limited edition (99 pieces) lithographs Ter Caput 2009
- Artmajeur silver award 2010/2009
- Jury's grand award, international art biennale of Rome 2004
- Manhattan art international showcase award – New York 1999
- The first international art biennale of Malta - distinction award 1995
- Charles Moulin international award Rome- spring award 1996
- Fiat Watercolor - silver star award Sala Borromini, Rome 1998
- Palazzo Barberini, Roma - international award (golden medal) Rome 1997


- Lifestyle 2010
- Travel retail executive news digest 2010
- The Moodie report 2010
- Trend news 2010
- World duty free 2010
- AllPurpose in art 2010
- TrendHunter 2010
- Washington Diplomat – nov. 1999, U.S.
- Manhattan Arts Summer 1997, U.S.
- Arte In – Shopping – n.67- 2000 Venezia, Italy
- 1st International Art Biennale of Malta 1995 – Francoise Tempra – Mediterranean Conference Centre , Valletta, Malta
- AmoRoma n.18, 2008 Roma, Italy
- Lo Stato – n. 13 – 1998 Torino, Italy
- Il Tempo – 21 april 2001, Italy
- Il Messaggero 17 february 2005 Roma, Italy
- Il Messaggero 20 february 2005 Roma, Italy
- Europe Today n.2, 1999 Roma, Italy
- Lo Stato – n. 13 – 1998 Torino, Italy
- La Sponda – n. 8 – 1999 Roma, Italy


2010 - JFK New York
2007 - “Abraxas” Gallery - Rome
2005 - “Margutta 102” Gallery – Rome
2004 - 2005 “Il Salone d’Arte Contemporanea” Gallery – Trieste
2003 - “Vivendi” Gallery – Paris
2001 - US Bank Tower – Portland , Oregon
2001 - “Villa di Fiorano”, Appia Antica – Rome
2001 - Il Fortino - Bari
2001 - “Margutta RistorArte” Gallery - Rome
2000 - 2003 “ - Artistas” Gallery – Portland , Oregon
2000 - “Alex” Gallery - Washington D.C.
2000 - Forte Michelangelo – Rome
1999 - Inter American Development Bank – Washington DC
1996 - Embassy of the United States – Rome
1996 - “Turtle” Gallery – Rome
1995 - “Parco dei Principi” Hotel - Rome


2003 – 2007 “Abraxas Gallery “Showroom – Rome
2002 – 2005 Art Fair – Bari
2000 – 2001 “Alex “ Gallery - representative gallery – Washington D.C.
2000 – 2nd edition “Contemporary Art” competition - Rome
2000 – International Art Biennale - Rome
1997 - 2002 - “Editrice Latina” Gallery – representative gallery –Roma /Art Fair Rome
1997 - Aquilla Castle (spring award)
1997 - 1998 Showroom Trevi Fountain - Rome
1995 - 1997 Showroom P-zza Barberini - Rome
1993 - 1995 “Artists” Gallery – representative gallery – Rome


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 7 Dicembre 2010
Visitatori dal 20/6/2006 : 60974

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