world artist
Maureen Booth

Granada (Spagna)


Nina I
etching on  paper,  33x50 cm,


etching on  paper,  37x45 cm,


Siluetas en la Noche
etching on  paper,  40x85 cm,


Sombras Nocturnas
etching on  paper,  33x44 cm,




Born in l939 in Manchester, England, Maureen Booth started to paint in oils and watercolors when she was l9 years old. At this time she did a few portraits under the direccion of Peter Shaw. In l964 she came to live on the coast of Southern Spain, where she had her first studio and started selling her work. In l969 she moved inland to a village near Granada where, with her husband, she renovated a farmhouse which included a bigger painting studio and, eventually a printmaking workshop.

Granada is a town with many cultural possibilities. In l977 she was selected to work in the etching workshop of the Fundación Rodriguez Acosta, and was there two and a half years under the direction of the "maestro" José Lómas. In l984 she was granted Spanish citizenship. She has participated in Madrid’s Internacional Graphics Fair, "ESTAMPA," since its first edition, five years ago. Maureen works with several galleries, both in Granada and further afield.

In l984 she created the pilot project for a province-wide series of painting workshops for young people, and ran one of these workshops for 3 years in her own village. In l997 she was invited to The Nacional Museum, Belgrade to the Open Workshop to show etching techniques, where she was also invited to participate in the Biennal of contempory graphics in Belgrade 1998

Curriculum vitae:


1972 Hotel Melia, Granada
1978 Caja de Ahorros de Granada, Almuñecar
1978 Biblos Galerie de Art, Mallorca
1978 Palacio de la Madraza, Universidad de Granada
1979 Bear Cove Gallery, Boston, U.S.A.
1979 Galerie Claude Emery, Paris.
1979 Caja de Ahorros de Granada, Almuñecar
1980 Galería Talia, Estepona, Málaga.
1985 Palacio de Los Condes de Gabia, Exm. Diputacion de Granada. El jardin secreto. With poetry reading by Javier Egea,Luis Montero and Alvaro Salvador.
1987 Galería Granero, Cuenca. with sculptors by American artist, Charlotte Gordon
1987 Casa de la cultura, Fuengirola, Málaga
1987 Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Exm. Diputacion de Granada. "Agua y viento"
1988 Espacio Abierto, Granada. "A Rafael Alberti"with poetry reading by Luis Montero, Luis Muñoz y Javier Egea
1989 Galería Alameda, Coin, Malaga, Frivolidades
1989 Palacio de Carlos V, presentacion of a portfolio of 4 silkscreens inspired by a love poem "TU" by Eduardo Castro, with poetry reading by José Carlos Rosales
1990 La Casa Yangüas, Frivolidades"
1991 Galería Cartel, Granada. "Verdulerias"
1992 Exposicion and Mural "Fiesta" IUFM, Caen, Normandy "Rencontre des deux mondes"
1992 Galería Lecrin, Granada. "Sueños de Invierno"


1974 Casa de la Cultura, Málaga
1974 Colegio Mayor San Jeronimo, with North American painter Edward Maurer
1975 La Caja General de Ahorros, Almuñecar
1977 "Homenaje a la Generación del 27" en el Palacio de La Madraza, Granada
1977 IV Bienal Internacional de Arte de Marbella
1977 Colin Jellicoe Gallery, Manchester, Ingland. "A Breath of Fresh Air"
1977 Caja de Ahorros de Granada, Almuñecar, con Iván Piñerúa
1997 Bienal Internacional of Art in Marbella, Málaga
1978 Galerie Unicorn, Copenhagen, Denmark. Colective exhibit of the etchers of the Fundación Rodríguez Acosta
1978 XXIII Salón de Grabado en el Museo Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
1979 Galery Grupo Quince, Madrid. Etchers of the Fundación Rodríguez Acosta
1979 City of Granada, Centro Manuel de Falla, Ayuntamiento de Granada
1980 Galería Shunkado, Nagoya, Japón. with Dolores Montijano
1980 Casa Yanguas, Granada. with artists Teiko Mori and Krista Slawik
1981 " Granada etchers of today" Caja Rural, Granada.
1983 Espacio Publico, "Arte Actual." Merca 80, Granada
1984 Club Larra, Granada. "Ocho De Octubre, Artists for Peace and Democracy"
1984 Casa de cultura, Torredonjimeno, Jaen.
1984 Week of Granada in Brussels
1985 Premio Hilly Mendelssohn of etchings, finalist
1985 Galaría Peironcely, Madrid., with Austrian artists G.W. Adler and Moje Menhardt.
1988 Artists for Africa, Caja Provincial de Ahorros, Granada
1988 Palacio de La Madraza, Granada. "Women in Fine Arts"
1991 Women painters. Edificio Municipal Rey Solar, Granada
1991 Galería Levy, Madrid. Chats-Katzen-Gatos
1993 Estampa. International Salón of Contempory Graphics. Palacio Velázquez, Madrid
1993 Museo de Grabado Español Contemporaneo. Finalist in the Nacional Graphics competition in Marbella.
1993 Calcografia Nacional, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Finalist in the Nacional Graphics competition
1994 Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
1994 Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
1994 La Fundación Rodríguez Acosta, Granada
1994 Centro Civico Casa Elizalde, Barcelona
1994 III Muestra Internacional del minigrabado, City of Ourense, Municipal Museum.
1994 Estampa. Internacional Salón of Contempory Graphics. Palacio Velázquez, Madrid
1994 Artists for Cuba. Centro Culteral Gran Capitan
1995 XII Villa de Rota, Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz-Mateos, Finalist in the Fine Arts competition
1995 Taller Galerie Fort, Cadaques, mini print internacional competition

1995 Selected for the itinerant exhibit in Wingsfield Arts & Music Festival, Joensuun Taide Museo Finland

1995 "Ateneo" - Canet de Mar, Barcelona. "Létang dárt, Bages, Francia

1995 Estampa. Internacional Salón of Contempory Graphics. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo , Madrid
1995 Galería Ana Ortiz, Madrid
1995 Galería Barbería de los Pajaritos, Graphics Center, Sevilla.
1996 Fundacion Caja de Granada, Motril, with Federico Galán and Javier González Alcantud, "Paraíso cerrado para muchos, jardines abiertos para pocos"
1996 Galería Artco, San Sebastian
1996 Exposición por la tolerancia. Palacio de la Madraza, Granada
1996 Estampa, Internacional Contempory Graphics. Museum of Modern Art, Madrid
1996 and 1997 Internacional arts fair of modern art, Arte + Sur. Granada
1997 Estampa, Internacional Contempory Graphics, Museum of Modern Art, Madrid
1997 Fundación Rodriguez Acosta. "Homage to Antonio Moscoso"
1997 "Figuracion and Abstracion in Contempory etchings" Laberinto Galería de Arte. Granada.

1997 L'esmar Arte y Proyectos, Sant Boi, Barcelona

1997 Art Gallery Vid/Vision, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, "Contemporary Spanish Etching, Granada"


Colegio Mayor San Jerónimo, Universidad de Granada.
Escuela de Traductores, Universidad de Granada
Ayuntamiento de Granada
Palacio de Los Condes de Gabia, Excma. Diputación de Granada
La Fundación de Caja de Ahorros de Granada
La Fundación Rodriguez Acosta, Granada
Hospital San Juan de Dios, Granada
Casa de la Cultura, Fuengirola, Málaga
Casa de la Cultura, Torredonjimeno, Jaen.
Museo de Bellas Artes de Agen, Francia
Museo de la Solidaridad., Managua, Nicaragua
Museo Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
Museo Municipal de Ourense
Partido Comunista de España, Andalucia.
Modern Art Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Nacional Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Associacion of Artists , Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 26 Aprile 2002
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 61283

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