world artist
Laurens G. Vermaesen

Verdistraat 137
Leiden (Olanda)

tel. +31(0)715720341

Captive Princess
oil on  canvas,  80 x 100 cm cm, 2000


oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 2000


oil on  board,  50 x 40 cm cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  80 x 100 cm cm, 2000


oil on  board,  50 x 40 cm cm, 2002


oil on  board,  50 x 40 cm cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 19999


Purple Heart
oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 2005


Space Cowgirl
oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 2004


The Magicians Daughter
oil on  board,  45 x 30 cm cm, 2003


The Rape of Europe
oil on  board,  54 x 67 cm cm, 19999


The Wave
oil on  canvas,  50 x 60 cm cm, 2003


Touch of an Angel
oil on  canvas,  100 x 80 cm cm, 2001


Ursa Major
oil on  canvas,  80 x 100 cm, 2005




I followed a classical, illustrative training at the Croydon College of Art, in London, England. The Renaissancists, the Pre-Raphaelites,the 19th century Russian realistic painters and the Impressionists I consider my source of inspiration. The illustrators who have influenced me are Howard Pyle, N.C.Wyeth, Arthur Rackham, Alan Lee, James Avati, and many more.
I love painting with oils and watercolour. In most of my paintings realism and fantasy fade into one another.
I also do commissioned portraits and murals. Next to all this I also teach at an art college in Amsterdam and two other art centers in Holland.

Curriculum vitae:

Since 1984 I work in the Netherlands as a free-lance illustrator, painter and teacher.
I have done illustrations for many advertising agencies, publishers and companies.
From 1984 till now I have had exhibitions nearly every year in the Netherlands and Belgium, like the Holland Art Fair, RAI Amsterdam, Gooi Art Fair.
Take a look at my second website:
Here you will find a lot of digital illustrations. I use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to make logo's, flyers, businesscards and letterheads. I am always looking for new challenges and I would like to receive commissions out of Italy.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 24 Aprile 2008
Visitatori dal 11/5/2006 : 65080

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