world artist
Pam Longobardi

Atlanta, GA (Stati Uniti)



After Math
mixed media on  copper,  65X42 cm, 2004


acquatinta on  alabastro,  40X20 cm, 2004


The Ice Age Remembers Heat
mixed media on  copper,  72X24 cm, 2004


The Wedding
mixed media on  copper,  40X60 cm, 2005


Worlds Within Worlds
mixed media on  copper,  96 cm, 2005




Pam Longobardi's work involves painting, photography, and installations that incorporate phenomenological processes. Since 1990, Longobardi has had 27 solo exhibitions and 60 group exhibitions in galleries and museums in the US and abroad. In 2004, her 1993 large-scale installation “1614-1914 (A Disappearance of Wings)” was included in Birdspace at the New Orleans CAC and traveling to the Norton Museum in West Palm Beach, Florida; the Hudson River Museum in New York and to four other museums, and she had a solo exhibition at the Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art. Awards include a residency at the Franz Masereel Center in Belgium, SAF/ NEA Visual Artist Fellowship in Painting, Tennessee Arts Commission Visual Arts Fellowship, and was chosen as Alternate for the SAF/American Academy in Rome Fellowship. Longobardi joined Georgia State University in 1997, where she is tenured. She served as Associate Dean of Fine Arts from 2001-2003. Prior she taught for ten years at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In 1997 she was awarded the College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Excellence in Research Prize and the Chancellor’s Award for Research and Creative Achievement from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This year Longobardi has been named recipient of Georgia State University’s Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award.

Curriculum vitae:

1985 MFA, Master of Fine Arts • Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
1981 BFA, Bachelor of Fine Arts • University of Georgia, Athens, GA

2006 Sky is Fallen, Sandler Hudson Gallery rooftop installation • Atlanta, GA.
2004 Worlds Within Worlds, Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art • Jacksonville, FL.
Artificial Kingdoms, Sylvia Schmidt Contemporary Art • New Orleans, LA.
Pam Longobardi: New Paintings, Rentz Gallery • Richmond, VA.
2003 Drawing Voices: Encounter, Galerie Entropia • Wroclaw, Poland.
Survey: Works from 1995-2003, Heistand Galleries, Miami University • Oxford, Ohio.
2002 Pearl of the Third Mind, Gusto House Gallery/Free Space • Kobe, Japan.
Thin Line Drawn, Bergen Gallery, Savannah College of Art + Design • Savannah, GA
2000 world world, Lowe Gallery • Atlanta, Georgia.
Visible/Invisible, Hartsfield International Airport Atrium • Atlanta, Georgia.
Beyond the Frame, Knoxville Museum of Art • Knoxville, Tennessee

2004 Breathing Space, Metaphor Contemporary Art • Brooklyn, NY.
Adornment: Embellishment and Encroachment, Diboll Gallery, Loyola University • New Orleans, LA.
Birdspace, Hudson River Museum • Hudson, NY; Norton Museum of Art • West Palm Beach, FL; Contemporary Art Center • New Orleans, LA; Tucson Art Museum • Tucson, AZ. Curated by David Rubin.
2003 Skin: Contemporary Views of the Body, Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art • Jacksonville, Florida.
The Armory Show 2003, represented by Fay Gold Gallery, Chelsea Piers • New York, NY.
Immured: Installations Behind Glass, Lenox Artwalk • Altanta, GA.
V. Rooms in Dialog, Zaal Scaldis Eiermarkt /Antwerp Tower Building • Antwerp, Belgium.
Pam Longobardi and Craig Dongoski: Works on Paper, Santa Reparata Gallery • Florence, Italy.
2002 Art Chicago 2002 at Navy Pier • Chicago, Illinois. Representing Fay Gold Gallery.
A Century of Progress: Twentieth Century Painting in Tennessee, Cheekwood Museum of Art • Nashville, TN
Pam Longobardi and Michael Murrell, Barrister’s Gallery • New Orleans, LA.
2001 Ponte Futuro, Cortona International Symposium, La Fortessa • Cortona, Italy.

2005 Outstanding Faculty Achievement of the Year Award, Georgia State University • Atlanta
Research Initiation Grant, College of Arts & Sciences, Georgia State University • Atlanta
School of Art & Design Summer Research Grant , Georgia State University • Atlanta, GA
2004 Finalist, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program Commission competition.
2003 Research Instrumentation Grant, College of Arts & Sciences, Georgia State University • Atlanta, GA.
2001 Finalist, Atlanta Hartsfield Airport E-Concourse Expansion Commission Competition.
2000 Major Public Art commission, Atlanta Medical Examiner’s Facility, Fulton Co. Arts Council.
School of Art & Design Summer Research Grant , Georgia State University • Atlanta, GA
1999Artist Residency Fellowship, Franz Masereel Center • Kasterlee, Belgium.
Research Initiation Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Georgia State University • Atlanta
TABOO Project Grant, “Requiem” exhibition, Nexus Contemporary Art Center • Atlanta, GA.
1998 Chancellor’s Award for Research and Creative Achievement, University of Tennessee • Knoxville, TN.
1996 Visual Artist Fellowship, Tennessee Arts Commission.
1995 Major commission, MBL Life Assurance/1st Tennessee • Memphis, TN
1994 SAF/NEA Visual Artist Fellowship, Painting.
1997-present Associate Professor of Art, Georgia State University • Atlanta, GA.
2001-03 Associate Dean of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, GSU • Atlanta, GA.
1997-87 Associate Professor of Art, University of Tennessee • Knoxville, Tennessee.

2005 Tuley, Laura, “Adornment: Embellishment and Encroachment,” review, Art Papers, Jan/Feb
2004 Bookhardt, Eric, “Beyond Fashion,” review, Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, Sept. 21, p.32.
Howie, Elizabeth, “Adornment: Embellishment and Encroachment,” exhibition essay, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA.
Perez-Brennan, T., “Creations Meld Science, Art,” rev. ill., Florida Times Union, Jacksonville, Jul 9, p.15-6.
Rubin, David, “Birdspace,” exhibition catalog, essay, ill. p. 21, 24, 26. Published by Pamela Auchincloss Art Management.
Cullum, Jerry, “Wonders in a Wet World,” rev., AJCaccessAtlanta, Nov. 4, p. 26.
Bookhardt, Eric, “Birdspace,” review, Art Papers, Jul/Aug, p. 44-5
2003 Rezerwuj Czas, “Dongoski w Entropi Jak Brzmi kreska,” rev., ill., City Magazine, Wroclaw, Poland, July, p. 20.
Co Jest Grane, “Zdarzenia z glosami,” ill., Gazeta Wyborcza Wroclaw, Poland, June 27, p.13.
Strefa Miejska, “Drawing Voices,” Aktivist, Wroclaw, Poland, no. 48, July, ill., p. 17
“Opere su Carta, Craig Dongoski/Pam Longobardi,” Il Corriere di Firenze, Special Estate, ill., July 10, p. 25
McClellan, Marian, “Exploiting Nature’s Finery,” New Orleans Art Review, review, ill., Jan/Feb, p. 29-30.
Zevitas, Stephen T., ed., New American Painting, no.46, Open Studios Press, Boston, MA, ill. p. 90-93.
Yee, Ivette M., “In the Flesh,” The Times-Union, Jacksonville, rev, May 2, p. 15.
Kinghorn, George, “Skin: Contemporary Views of the Body,” exhibition catalog, essay, ill.
Carruthers, Valerie, “JMOMA: A Cultural Institution,” Arbus, May/June, article, ill., p. 52-61.
2002 MacCash, Doug, “Off the Walls,” The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, rev., ill. , Dec 6.
Bookhardt, Eric, “Worlds Within Worlds,” Gambit, New Orleans, rev., ill. Dec 10
Duerr, Teri, editor, “Visual Feature,” KS guest artist pages, Kansai Scene, Osaka, Japan,
n. 26, June, p. 21-3
2001 Fox, Catherine, “The Art of Afterward,” article, ill., Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Dec 30, p.
Kornblit, Bobbi, “A Wild, Untamed Surface,” feature article, ill., Atlanta Intown, April, p. S3
Fox, Catherine, "Lipstick Explores Meaning…", rev., ill. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June
Feaster, Felicia, “Kiss and Tell,” rev., Creative Loafing, June 13.
Joyner, Heather, “Keys to Two Personal Kingdoms,” rev., ill., Metro Pulse Knoxville, Jan 4,
2000 Makrandi, Nandini, “Beyond the Frame: Pam Longobardi + Catherine McCarthy”, catalog,
Knoxville Museum of Art • Knoxville, TN.
Krainak, Paul, “world/world,” catalog essay for exhibition, Lowe Gallery.
Cullum, Jerry , “The world as theme park,” rev., ill. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov 24, p.
Fox, Catherine, “Exploring our Best…” rev., ill. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb 4, p. Q8.
Dooley, Timothy “Damp Edge,” catalog essay for exhibition, UNI Gallery of Art.
Feaster, Felicia, “Double Vision: Year in Arts Review,” Creative Loafing, January 1, p. 37
Bernstein, Susan, “You’re an Animal,” preview, ill. Style Magazine, Jan/Feb, p. 14.
Schonbak, Judith, “Atlanta’s Gallery Scene,” preview, ill. Atlanta Now , Jan/Feb, p. 39.
1999 Pessina, Maria, “Arte Crossover,” article, ill. Radar no. 64, El Universal/ Caracas, Venezuela, Mar 3..
Byrd, Cathy, “Atlanta Artists Considered for Whitney,” Creative Loafing, Aug 28, p. 45

Corcoran Gallery of Art • Washington, DC.
Knoxville Museum of Art • Knoxville, TN.
Hyatt Regency International • Naples, FL.
Arizona State Univ. Art Museum • Tempe, AZZ.
Atlanta Hartsfield Airport • Atlanta, GA.
Softblox Computing Technology •Atlanta,GA.
Tweed Art Museum • Duluth, MN.
Saks Fifth Avenue • Atlanta, GA.
Kennedy Art Museum • Athens, OH.
MBL Life Assurance Corporation • NJ.
Hunter Museum of Art • Chattanooga, TN.
Freeman-Hawkins Attorneys at Law • Atlanta, GA.
Stockholders Systems • Atlanta, GA.
Burroughs-Wellcome Pharmaceuticals • Ralleigh, NC
Instituto de Estudios Norteamericanos•Barcelona, SP.
Miami Metropolitan Museum • Coral Gables, FL.
Deloitte-Touche • Atlanta, GA.
Agnes Scott College • Atlanta, GA.
Tennessee State Museum • Nashville, TN.
City of Atlanta, Art in Public Places • Atlanta, GA.
Kilpatrick Stockton Attorneys • Atlanta, GA
Benziger Winery • Sonoma, CA.
Taller Galeria Fort • Barcelona, Spain.

COLLABORATORS (last 48 months)
Jacqueline Bishop, Department of Art, Loyola University
Michael Chang, School of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dongoski, Craig, Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design, Georgia State University
Sue Palmer, Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 30 Marzo 2007
Visitatori dal 9/5/2006 : 61642

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