world artist
Sunita Anand Rao

Mumbai (India)

tel. 02225648003

acrilic on  paper,  20x25" cm, 2001




I am an artist working in Mumbai, India, for many years. I have so far had solo shows and participated in many group shows,both in Mumbai and Delhi. I have earned my masters degree in fine arts.

My early works were mostly landscapes, still lives and floral representations on mostly canvas. Later my style changed towards figurative, incorperated with print and more recently design. The figures mostly display feelings of passion, peace, joy and sensuality. I have experimented and practiced different techniques and mediums like oil, acrylics, watercolours and tempera. I have been greatly influenced by Matisse, Van Gogh and Paul Gaugin and more recently Robert Kushner’s collage works. Love for poetry and form drove me towards William Blake.

My aim is to produce a natural appeal in my work, where the human form is in the prominance, while working in a contemporary figurative style.

Curriculum vitae:

Bachelor Of Arts Govt.College For Women Ludhiana With Music And Painting As A Major.

MASTER OF ARTS, Meeruit University In Drawing And Painting Exhibitions.
SOLO, YEAR 1999 - Gallerie Leela, Leela Kempensky Hotel, Mumbai.

GROUP, YEAR 1999 - Bombay Art Society, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.

GROUP, YEAR 2000 - Artist Centre, Mumbai.

GROUP, YEAR 2000 - Russian Cultural Centre, Mumbai.

SOLO, YEAR 2001 - Taj Art Gallery, Mumbai.

GROUP, YEAR 2001- Artist Centre, Mumbai.

SOLO, YEAR 2001 - Gallerie Leela, Leela Kempensky Hotel, Mumbai.

GROUP, YEAR 2004 - Art Society Of India, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.

SOLO, YEAR 2005 - Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 24 luglio 2006
Visitatori dal 2/5/2006 : 59793

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