world artist
Antonio Bou

Granaderos 470, dept. 5, Mendoza 5500, Argentina
Mendoza (Argentina)

tel. 054 261 4298194

Adán y Eva (Proyecto Mendoza)
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Domingo Perfecto (Perfect Sunday)
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Eco y Narciso
pencil on  paper,  20 x 30 cm cm, 2005


El Maleficio de la Mariposa
pencil on  paper,  20 x 30 cm cm, 2005


El último pancho
pencil on  paper,  20 x 30 cm cm, 2005


La vuelta entera
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Las Gracias (3 Graces)
pencil on  paper,  20 x 30 cm cm, 2005


Las Virtudes
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Magdalena con pañuelos
pencil on  paper,  20 x 30 cm cm, 2005


Matrimonio (Marriage)
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Nudo (Knot)
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005


Venus de la Acequia (Venus from the Channel)
pencil on  paper,  12 x 17 cm cm, 2005




Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Antonio Bou's oeuvre ozzes the essential oils of a natural --ergo, national and mysterious}-- personality of love, coagulating in an iconical symbolism only the sublime hillbilly-ness of his reggaetonic chromatism can deliver.

Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Antonio Bou captures his country's identity by combining the modern with the traditional. By utilizing an amazing color technique of painting related to glazing over ceramics, Bou achieves a luminosity and structure unique especially to him.

Much like his work, Puerto Rico is a multi-faceted setting both
environmentally and politically. Bou transforms the religious theme of
martyrdom into the universal theme of human sorrow and the sacrifice of
youth and beauty. Responding to the highly sensual island climate, he
tackles the strength and will of women, integrating old feminist traditions with the new tendencies that have resulted from modern developments in feminism. His characters, both male and female, of the past and of the present, are willing and ready to face the challenges of the modern world that surrounds them. Illustrating all of these ideas and themes in a purely stunning manner designates Bou as an artist representative of the exciting national art movement of his country.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 26 Marzo 2007
Visitatori dal 19/4/2006 : 65251

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