world artist
cheng zhu

Letterbox 260#, Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts,Huangjueping,
Chongqing (Cina)

tel. 86-23-66195045



ZHU Xuanxian (ÖìÐûÏÌ), male, Han nationality, was born in Zhejiang Province, China, on April, 1927, and died in Chongqing City, China, on August, 2002, at his age of 76.

Zhu was a prominent traditional Chinese painter and woodcut painter in his age in China, and also an active member in Chinese art circle. During more than his half-century art career, Zhu has created a lot of excellent Chinese style art works, such as traditional Chinese paintings, woodcuts paintings and caricatures.... Many of his works are among the collections of notable art galleries and museums home and abroad, in particular, National Art Gallery of China, The British Museum, Qinghua University, and European Woodcut Fund, as well as the collection of several notable publications, such as Chinese Almanac, Woodcuts of China's Centenary etc.. Since 1946, his works were often selected for many influential exhibitions, and his art style arrested the attention of many major and professional media, and other overseas presses. Zhu had a series of collections published, including Collection of Woodcuts, Selected Collection Chinese Paintings of Flower and Bird, Selected Collection of Landscape Woodcuts. Six art and media organizations co-sponsored an exhibition, Works in Zhu Xuanxian's 55-Year Art Career. His biography has been on several notable biography collections and art dictionaries, including Chinese Art Dictionary, World Artists (Volume of Chinese Artists), and A Dictionary to Famous Contemporary Chinese Painters.

Zhu Xuanxian, member of China Artists' Association, plunged into the art cause of the Republic in his youth. He joined in his early years in Shanghai City the New Woodcut Culture Campaign initiated by Lu Shun, a famous litterateur in Chinese history, and was thus arrested. After the emancipation of Shanghai, Zhu, together with other famous artists (Liu Kaiqu, Zhang Leping), publicized a declaration on Communique. and after a short stay with the Shanghai Office of the newly established National Association for Art, Woodcut and Caricature, he joined the People Liberation Army, and went to Chongqing with the army in 1949. He was later selected as the standing vice-chair and secretary general of Chongqing Artists' Association. Zhu was also founder of Chongqing Artists' Association, Chongqing Academy of Chinese Paintings, and Chongqing Art School. Zhu was a person of integrity and a competent leader of selflessness, and was certainly a great contributor to the prosperity and development of China's art, especially Chongqing's art. Zhu was also once rewarded the Medal for the Founder of the Republic by the government of P. R. China. Completion Ceremony of Zhu Xuanxian Statue was held at the South Mountain in Chongqing in 2003. An album, ZHU Xuanxian, A Master of Brush Evergreen, was published in 2004.

Curriculum vitae:


Description: Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking created in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian, from China.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 10 Aprile 2006
Visitatori dal 24/3/2006 : 59597

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