world artist
Barend Esther

Bladel (Olanda)


In My Garden
mixed media on  canvas,  100 x 100 cm, 2005


mixed media on  canvas,  2 x 60x60 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  100x120 cm, 2005


Big red tree
acrilic on  canvas,  100x120 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  2x 70x90 cm, 2005


Red Sea
acrilic on  canvas,  80x120 cm, 2005


Thin Silver Line
acrilic on  canvas,  40x120 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  120x100 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  50x150 cm, 2005


Strange World
acrilic on  canvas,  100x120 cm, 2005


mixed media on  canvas,  100x120 cm, 2006


mixed media on  canvas,  100x120 cm, 2006


acrilic on  canvas,  80x160 cm, 2006


mixed media on  canvas,  80x160 cm, 2006


acrilic on  canvas,  200x100 cm, 2006




My name is Esther Barend, born in an artistic family on the 2nd December 1964, Eindhoven.(the Netherlands) After finishing my study I worked and lived in Paris and Amsterdam and afterwards established myself in Eindhoven as a designer of jewellery. Several years later I started classes at the Academy of Arts in Arendonk, Belgium, where I developped my personal style in painting.

What I cannot say with words, I express with coulours, motion en forms. I hardly ever paint with a brush. My main tools are my fingers, which allows me to be more in touch with the canvas. Furthermore I use a pallete-knife, spatula, little sticks, glue, charcoal and pieces of pastel-chalk. The scratches of my nails and some fingerprints in the paint are completing my work with a real personal signature.

My paintings characterize themselves by spontanity, dynamics, little details and intense coulours. Standing in front of the white canvas, I follow my feelings. Often I start with a few lines or forms of my imagination. The colours are mixed on the canvas and I work with a lot of layers, thin and thick, which causes a beautiful raw structure. By mixing invented and spontaneaus forms the result is well-balanced.
Being inspired by the coulours of nature, the actual season, impressing events, makes me find myself again. During the day I am looking, with artists eyes, at the world around me getting surprised time after time.

I work with acryllic paint in combination with glue, charcoal, pieces of pastel-chalk, paper, sand etc.. on canvas made of cotton or linen, which is tightend on a wooden chassis with a thickness of 1m57 inch (4 cm). The sides are also painted, so a frame is not necessary. Besides canvas, I paint objects which are designed and manufactured by myself, like totem poles of 6 foot (200 cm) high. Painting has become essential for me, a way of living. It is possible to order paintings and objects completed with your personal wishes.

Curriculum vitae:

My works can be seen at:

Kunstwinkel/galerie Artishox in Bladel Sniederslaan 28, Nederland,0497 360280

Galerie Tracé in Maastricht, Alexander Battalaan 31, 043 3260071

Galerie Andor in Waalwijk, Wilhelminastraat 17a-19, Nederland 0416 341428

Galerie Très Art in Zevenbergen, Hazeldonksezandweg 17, Nederland, 0168 332233,

Galerie Podium Déjà Vu in Son,Peellaan 40, Nederland 0499477514

Galerie Barendrecht in Barendrecht Trondheim 9, Nederland 0180 617592


24-04 - 29-09-2005: Kasteel Rhederoord, De Steeg, The Netherlands

july 2005: exposition at Sari, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

29-07 - 30-08-2005: Galerie Haamstede,Burg Haamstede, The Netherlands

Since 1-10-2005: Exhibition at Artishox, Bladel, The Netherlands

19-12-2005 - 20-02-2006: Cultureel Centrum Den Herd, Bladel,The Netherlands

10-03-2006-30-04-2006: De Gelegenheid, Vrijthof 26, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands

2 april 2006. Group-exhibition KUNSTLICHT. Florijn 10b te Deurne, The Netherlands.

3,4,5 June 2006: Art-Fair at KEUKENHOF in Lisse, The Netherlands


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 21 Marzo 2006
Visitatori dal 19/3/2006 : 65819

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