world artist
Nebojsa Radojev

St. Stanojevica 7, Beograd, 11000
Belgrado (Yugoslavia)

email: venerado@eunet.yu

"St. Luke in Holland"
xilography on  paper,  30 x 42  cm, 1985


"Vermeer – three times"
xilography on  paper,  38 x 51 cm, 1985


"Resting Chair"
xilography on  paper,  42 x 58  cm, 1992


The Artist and His Model - Carrà
lithogaphy on  paper,  48 x 45 cm, 2001


The Artist and His Model - Seurat
lithogaphy on  paper,  56x46 cm, 1999




Nebojsa Radojev was born in 1946. He graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts in 1970. Since 1969 he has had 16 solo and various group exhibitons.
Today Nebojsa Radojev teaches graphic arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade as a full-time professor. He has participated in more than 150 group exhibitions.
Among the many impotant international exhibitions he has shown his works in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Switzerland...
At »The October Salon 1991« he won a prize for graphics. He also won a prize »Great Seal« of the Graphic Community of Belgrade in 1992.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 3 Giugno 2004
Visitatori dal 20/5/2004 : 61206

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