world artist
Fariel Shafee

218C Eisenhower Street
08540, Princeton (Stati Uniti)


oil on  canvas,  36X24 inches cm, 2000


acrilic on  board,  20X16 inches cm, 1995




Born in Bengal in a family of mixed cultural heritage. After O and A levels bachelor's degrees in physics and mathematics from massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994.
Currently PhD student in physics at Princeton University, USA.

Curriculum vitae:


ArtDomain Gallery, Majorca, Spain, May31st to June 26th 2003
Omma Center for Contemporary Art, Greece
August 5 to 31st
Ninth Life Fine Art gallery, St Thomas, Virgin Island
Sala Barna, XXX Anniversario Batik, Barcelona, June 14-30, 2003

Displaying oil paintings on GalleryNow:

Resident artist of abs gallery

Listed on World Artist Directory as accomplished artist.

Listed on Artdomain Ibiza as accomplished artist

Award of merit by Artchallenge, May 2002

Honorable mention, 1st art contest held by abs gallery sponsored by Lia art magazine

Digital Artworks Awards, Digital Artworks Gallery

Listed on Artspace2000 (

Listed on MOCA: Museum of computer arts: as owner of distinguished digital art site:

Silver Kara Art award
"Golden Web Award" from International Association of Webmasters and Designers for web page designing

Silver award from the American Association of WebmastersMember, International Association of Webmasters and Designers


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 12 Novembre 2003
Visitatori dal 24/4/2003 : 60233

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