world artist
Qinghua Rui

Bengbu (Cina)


oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas, 


oil on  canvas,  45x55 cm, 2000


oil on  canvas,  45x55 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  65x55 cm, 2000




he was born in Bengbu city Anhui China in 1965. Graduated from Fine Arts Dept. of Anhui teacher-training in 1988. He is a member of Anhui Fine Arts association.
1988.He took part in "The first exhibition of Bengbu Youth Art festival " in Bengbu
1993.He joined "The Second exhibition of Anhui culture Art festival " in Hefei
1995.He joined "The Third exhibition of Anhui culture Art festival" in Hefei
1997.He joined "Exhibition of Anhui oil painting" in Hefei
1998 He joined "Exhibition of Anhui Youth Fine Art work" in Hefei
2003 He joined "Exhibition of Bengbu named artists oil painting" in Bengbu
His work is full of romantic,his brain is full of imagination for color, on picture plane you can see his passion to life and this world.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/4/2003 : 61154

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